menstrual cycles

period symptoms


Here are some ‘common’ period symptoms that should never be ignored

From heavy bleeding and breast tenderness, to the common misconceptions and downright myths often associated with periods and…

By Sarah Gill

Courtney Cox in an 1985 ad for Tampax.


What advertising teaches us about periods

Before the now infamous Tampax ad, there was a plethora of menstruation advertising that would leave you with…

By Nathalie Marquez Courtney

cycle tracking: the power of your infradian rhythm


Cycle tracking: how to biohack your menstrual cycle to bring flow (sorry) to your work

Most of us think that being in that state of peak performance happens by accident, but what if…

By Leonie Corcoran


PMS: It’s time to start talking about premenstrual syndrome

It's time we started a conversation about premenstrual syndrome and here is why... Since I was a teenager,…

By Edaein OConnell

period waste


1 tampon takes longer to degrade than the average woman’s lifespan

Passionate about sustainability? Here's how to cut back on period waste Did you know the average woman will…

By Grace McGettigan

TED Talk


Watch Jen Gunter’s incredible TED Talk which asks why we can’t talk about periods

Gynaecologist Jen Gunter blew the audience away with her TED Talk which asked why we can't talk about…

By Edaein OConnell



Why Always is removing the female symbol from its period products

When it comes to female sanitary products, there's much that could be improved. There's still a lot of…

By Jennifer McShane