13th Feb 2014
13th Feb 2014
Since launching in 2007 minimal stalwarts COS have been publishing a critically acclaimed magazine to accompany each fashion season, and this Spring/Summer is no different. We’ve been quite the layout fangirls for some time now – with last year’s copper emboss sparking typography envy here at IMAGE HQ. The theme of the upcoming biannual publication is the thrill of the new and what we’ve seen so far indicates the clean lines we’ve come to expect from the Collection of Style are here to stay with an added dash of WASPish sensibility. Also, we’ve been promised interviews with the Turner-nominated artist Tino Seghal and actress and screenwriter Miranda July… Not too shabby.
The magazine will be available online and in BT2 in the coming days. In the interim we’ve got some exclusive shots above for your perusing pleasure.
Also stay tuned for some London Fashion Week news that we’re dying to share…
Jeanne Sutton @jeannedesutun