3 pioneering sustainable businesses to visit and support this month
3 pioneering sustainable businesses to visit and support this month

Jo Linehan

Jimmy Choo’s latest bridal edit has arrived
Jimmy Choo’s latest bridal edit has arrived

Shayna Sappington

An ode to one of life’s great joys: the humble little treat
An ode to one of life’s great joys: the humble little treat

Alex O Neill

This Wicklow home is full of rich colours and luxurious finishes
This Wicklow home is full of rich colours and luxurious finishes

Megan Burns

Page Turners: ‘Confessions’ author Catherine Airey
Page Turners: ‘Confessions’ author Catherine Airey

Sarah Gill

Sarah Macken: A week in my wardrobe
Sarah Macken: A week in my wardrobe

Sarah Finnan

Real Weddings: Lucy and Matt’s utterly unique nuptials in Co Donegal
Real Weddings: Lucy and Matt’s utterly unique nuptials in Co Donegal

Edaein OConnell

Valentine’s getaways to book now
Valentine’s getaways to book now

Sarah Finnan

Meet the Galway craftsman capturing seaside finds in cast concrete
Meet the Galway craftsman capturing seaside finds in cast concrete

Michelle Hanley

February Guide: 16 of the best events happening around Ireland this month
February Guide: 16 of the best events happening around Ireland this month

Sarah Gill

Image / Living / Culture

Tired of your Instagram feed? These 7 accounts will instantly bring you joy

By Jennifer McShane
26th Aug 2020
Tired of your Instagram feed? These 7 accounts will instantly bring you joy

If your Insta-feed is getting you down during what is already a stressful time, do a clear out. Forget the followers who will (unintentionally or not) make you feel extra tense and go for cute dogs who are selfie stars or any of these seven accounts that will absolutely up your happiness factor

@trotterpup is a dog who wears many hats.

Harry Trotter

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Just. Look. At. Him. This French Bulldog isn’t afraid of a selfie either, and that hat collection is fire.

@notes2myselfie is both funny and scarily real.


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Hilarious one-liners, relatable thoughts and dry humour = the perfect antidote to life (just generally).

@cashcats are (quite literally) cats with cash.

youngest kitteh doin it #cashcats @imogenthekitten

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They will always have more money and cool stuff then you but you can’t hate on them because they are cats. Fluffy cats who will never know the value of all that dosh.

@thecartorialist has many quirky Illustrations of fashion and beauty’s biggest pop culture moments.

Bundled up New Yorkers, I hear Winter is Coming. ?????? #turtleneckseries #blizzard2016

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It’s basically a series of delightful doodles and snapshots that are beautiful to look at. You can even look at them without envy because, you know, they are just drawings.

@yoyoha has many images of cartoons drawn on coffee cups.

Yet for some reason we continue to do it anyway. #100coffeecups

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Witty cartoons on a coffee cup, could this be the best kind of pick-me-up of a Sunday? Dare you to bring a picture into Starbucks and insist they draw one instead of misspelling your name.

@fashion.in.film is the throwback fashion account we need.

…If only to be reminded of a simpler time when all this was way cooler than crocs or sliders *shudder*.

@leesamantha tells stories with food (and it’s glorious).

Darth Vader! #leesamantha #starwars

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A mother of two, she began making bento art so her first daughter would eat after her second was born. Amazing stuff.

Main photograph: Pexels