By Niamh ODonoghue
27th Feb 2018
27th Feb 2018
Samesy nails are so last season…
Nail trends by the seasons are pretty predictable: dark, regal, warm colours for the colder months and cooling pastels and punchy pinks as the weather turns warmer. But then there’s this in-between stage where it’s neither winter nor summer, what happens then? I’m ready for the damn winter to be gone for good, but the weather is too changeable (and cold, so very cold) to even think about cans by the canal.
One of the single biggest causes of my monthly anxiety is having less than 5 minutes to choose a colour that will be bound to my hands for two+ weeks. In a bid to curb the angst, I have decided to dip my hand – physically and metaphorically – into the world or multi-coloured mani’s. Okay, I haven’t quite made this trend judgement all by myself: my psyche has been hard at work in the background in-between feed-scrolling (see style influencer and interior consultant Funda Christophersen‘s dreamy mid-pink mani below) and Fashion Week attending.
It was surprisingly more simple to choose four complimentary colours together over one stand-alone colour (ideal if you suffer from monthly-mani-anxiety syndrome, like me). Keeping in tune with the majority of my wardrobe, I opted for a selection of complimentary light and dark pink and berry shades that are easy to wear and mood-boosting (happy nails = happy mood). This trend doesn’t come without its faults, though, and it’s easy to end up with the manicure equivalent of one of those Instagram rainbow cakes, so choose your colour combo wisely (useful guide below, fyi).
The multi-mani, done at Genevieve Salon, Dublin.
If you still need convincing and/or further inspiration then do the following: A) follow London-based celebrity nail salon Wah Nails (who get the rainbow cake trend unapologetically right), B) check out our custom swatches to try for your next trip to the salon and C), try this handy tool to help you to create the perfect colour combo to suit you. Now all I have to do is make this €25 colour-blast mani last as long as humanly possible without chipping.
Muted spring
Pretty in pink