By Aisling Keenan
16th Sep 2019
16th Sep 2019
Beauty photographers have a very special talent. Not only do they capture the beauty of the model, but manage to pick up skin highlights, textures, and intricate detail. Here are four you need to follow on Instagram – prepare to be wowed.
Beauty photographers worth following
There are so many beauty accounts on Instagram, but the actual photographer accounts I find to be the best places to get a curated and perfected overview on Instagram beauty – you’ll be guaranteed quality and no stealing of someone else’s work. I found most of these accounts via hashtags, so don’t be afraid to go looking on #beautyeditorial #beautyphotography and #macrobeauty.
Sarah Brown (@sarahbrownphoto)
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I first saw Sarah’s work on Nikki Makeup’s page (we all know how big of a Nikki fan I am) and since then, I’ve been following her every post. Elegant, classic beauty shots are what she does best and there’s a soft femininity to everything she does.
Julia Kuzmenko (@juliakuzmenko)
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I have saved so many of Julia’s images I can’t count them. I have them printed and on my desk just because they’re so striking. She photographs textures beautifully and captures minute details and microscopic specs in her images. I could scroll her feed all day.
Desiree Mattsson (@desiree_mattsson)
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Desiree’s work is a bit more edgy and risqué than the previous two beauty photographers, but her work is just as captivating. She captures feminine strength better than any beauty photographer I’ve seen, and isn’t afraid to play with after effects and colour in post-production.
Ian Lim (@milianeyes)
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Ian’s work clearly fangirls over the female form – there’s lots of skin on show here always but his beauty work is nothing short of stunning. The movement and attitude he captures from his models is incredible, and you almost physically feel the beauty through his images.
Read more: Instagram beauty: What not to miss this weekend
Read more: The beauty of the Instagram Explore page
Read more: Six beauty Instagram accounts the pros follow (and why you should too)