By Grace McGettigan
20th Apr 2024
20th Apr 2024
Read time: 5 minutes
How well does your star sign reflect your personality?
Do you believe in horoscopes? Whether you’re committed to the zodiac like Beyoncé, or you think it’s codswallop like Chrissy Teigen, there’s no denying it’s a massive industry.
Every day, people fawn over the horoscope pages in magazines and online to find out what’s in store for them over the coming months. Some of us just read them for fun, while others avoid them at all costs.
Either way, you can’t check your horoscope without first knowing your star sign. Each sign is said to represent a certain type of personality; for example, your traits and characteristics are defined by whether you’re a Virgo or a Libra. Find out below.
Aries, 21 March – 20 April
Element: Fire
Symbol: The Ram
Famous Aries: Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Chastain and Mariah Carey
Aries are passionate, confident, determined and enthusiastic about everything they do. They’re comfortable taking leadership roles and are happy to take risks in order to achieve their goals. However, Aries tend to get impatient easily, and they can be short-tempered (even aggressive) if things don’t go their way. They don’t like laziness in others and get irritated when they’re delayed.
Taurus, 21 April – 21 May
Element: Earth
Symbol: The bull
Famous Taureans: Barbra Streisand and Renée Zellweger
A Taurus is said to be reliable, practical and patient. They like to work with their hands and will spend as much time on any given task as is necessary. They make very trustworthy employees and reliable friends. However, Taureans tend to be stubborn; they stick to their own way of thinking and are reluctant to move away from that. They don’t like sudden changes or being put on the spot.
Gemini, 22 May – 21 June
Element: Air
Symbol: Twins
Famous Geminis: Nicole Kidman, Venus Williams and Helena Bonham Carter
Geminis make very loyal friends. They’re happy to chat with almost anyone they meet and they’re affectionate by nature. Geminis are curious and open-minded, making them particularly good writers and artists. However, they can be indecisive and inconsistent. Geminis like their lives to be varied; they dislike repetition and routine, preferring to adapt to different people and environments.
Cancer, 22 June – 22 July
Element: Water
Symbol: Crab
Famous Cancers: Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela and Meryl Streep
People born under the Cancer star sign are highly emotional; this can be both a positive and a negative thing. On the plus side, they are loyal and sympathetic. They’re caring and they empathise with people going through hard times. But, they can also be moody. Cancers lack patience and can occasionally be selfish. If stressed, they relax most when near (or in) water.
Leo, 23 July – 22 August
Element: Fire
Symbol: Lion
Famous Leos: Jennifer Lopez, Madonna and Sandra Bullock
Leos love the limelight. They’re born for stardom and made for the stage. Leos are creative and funny, and what’s more, they ooze passion. They love the theatre, having fun with friends and expensive things. Like everyone though, Leos have their downsides. As they love to be the centre of attention, a Leo can’t stand being ignored.
Virgo, 23 August – 23 September
Element: Earth
Symbol: Young maiden
Famous Virgos: Mother Teresa, Beyonce, Amy Winehouse
Virgos pay huge attention to detail; making them analytical, hardworking and well-organised. This can be their downfall, though. Virgos are often overly critical of themselves, putting themselves under huge pressure to achieve the best results possible. That being said, Virgos also have big hearts. They are loyal and empathetic, making them good nurses and caregivers (though careers in writing are common among this star sign too).
Libra, 24 September – 23 October
Element: Air
Symbol: Scales
Famous Libras: Serena Williams, Julie Andrews and Susan Sarandon
Anyone born under the Libra star sign is said to be a people-person. They’re social, outgoing and hate to be alone. They value individuality and are proud to be themselves. Libras value intellect and like to be stimulated by thoughtful conversations. They’re fair-minded and gentle, and they will avoid conflict at all costs.
Scorpio, 24 October – 22 November
Element: Water
Symbol: Scorpion
Famous Scorpios: Julia Roberts, Winona Ryder and Anne Hathaway
Scorpios make good leaders. They care about facts and asserting the truth, all the while being resourceful and passionate. They’re trustworthy and will keep a secret when asked. However, this secretive nature can sometimes be seen as a bad thing. Scorpios are also prone to jealousy, which can be harmful to their relationships.
Sagittarius, 23 November – 21 December
Element: Fire
Symbol: Archer
Famous Sagittarians: Tina Turner, Jane Fonda and Taylor Swift
Sagittarians are open-minded and have a great sense of humour. They love to travel and are enthusiastic about exploring new places with new people. What’s more, they’re doers; when they have an idea, they set about making it happen (although they do have a tendency to make promises they can’t keep). People born under this sign hate clingy people. They prefer to be free and independent, rather than have others hold them back.
Capricorn, 22 December – 20 January
Element: Earth
Symbol: Goat
Famous Capricorns: Kate Middleton, Kate Moss and January Jones
Capricorns are responsible and disciplined. They excel in management roles because of their ability to make plans and follow through with them. They’re not the type of person to dilly-dally when deciding where to eat. They have great self-control, which is good, but it can sometimes make them appear standoffish. Capricorns enjoy music and value their family above all else.
Aquarius, January 20 – February 18
Element: Air
Symbol: Water-bearer
Famous Aquarians: Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston and Sheryl Crow
Aquarius-born people are deep thinkers and are always happy to help others. They enjoy meaningful conversations, as well as carrying out humanitarian work. They are often perceived as shy, but they’re outgoing when they need to be. Aquarians thrive within a community setting and they care deeply for people, from all walks of life.
Pisces, 20 February – 20 March
Element: Water
Symbol: Fish
Famous Pisces: Elizabeth Taylor, Rihanna and Albert Einstein
Pisces are kind and caring. They’ll do anything to make someone else’s life easier, demonstrating compassion and wisdom as they go. They enjoy musicals and romance, though they are prone to avoiding reality. While they’re overly trusting and can be taken advantage of easily, Pisces are also very forgiving.
Digital illustration by Laura Kenny.
This article was originally published in December 2021.