By Holly O'Neill
01st Feb 2017
01st Feb 2017
Today we have been inspired by a teen who chooses positivity no matter the circumstances.
18-year-old Chelsea Cameron has shown how she turned her parent’s addiction into her own strength by reading a thank you letter to them live on Victoria Derbyshire on BBC Two.
The teen forgives her parents, and is reading her letter to show anyone suffering the same how they can choose “joy” and “positivity” in spite of their situation.
An absolute must-watch, full interview with the teen who wrote open letter to her drug-addict parents thanking them
— Victoria Derbyshire (@VictoriaLIVE) February 1, 2017
The powerful letter thanks them for making her “independent, ambitious and determined never to take drugs”.
Thank you for not being there to wave goodbye as I jetted off to Uganda on a trip of a lifetime, thanks for not being there when I got my first set of exam results to say well done, thanks for not being there when I got the position of head girl (a personal dream), thanks for not being there for me as I stood in front hundreds of people to speak at the Caird Hall for my school prize giving, thank you for not being there for me when I needed you. You’ve gave me the greatest lesson of how to be independent.
Her letter ends,?”I hope one day that you’ll wake up and realise there is so much more the world has to offer you guys and when that day comes, please come to find me so we can enjoy life together.”
“I’ll show you some nice restaurants I like to go to and if you’re lucky I might take you to Germany one day. Until then, I’ll dream of what my life would be like with parents to enjoy it with.”
Read the full letter on Chelsea’s blog here, watch a clip of Chelsea reading the letter in the tweet above, or watch her read the letter in full on Victoria Derbyshire on BBC Two here.