17th Jul 2015
17th Jul 2015
Looking at images and videos of super cute things has scientifically proven to boost our feel good hormones. It also boosts productivity at work, but whether you’re in need of a pick-me-up or not, you won’t regret spending time on this post. With the weekend finally upon us, we thought what better time to ease the stress of the week that was and get our ‘awww’ on.
Below we’ve rounded up the most recent best of Reddit’s Aww page and some adorable finds on Instagram for your unadulterated enjoyment.
If this isn’t enough for you, head over to our latest cuteness post – 17 Ways To Soothe Your Soul?- where you can while away another half hour.
“He needs his coffee too”?Reddit
I’m so lucky to have them @joshforrest86 A photo posted by Daphne (@daphnethedapple) on
Two seals, chilling. Reddit.
– A ball of fluff that’s only a little bit taller than a can of Coke. Reddit.
This is 8 week old Thunder the bulldog – Reddit
“It was pouring rain and I didn’t want him to get soaked, so I had to improvise” – Reddit
We all feel a little bit awkward when it’s time to blow out our birthday candles… – Happy Birthday Bruce. Reddit.
A video posted by jiff (@jiffpom) on
Instagram’s @JiffPom has more followers than some of the world’s biggest stars. He is permanently delighted with life, always smiling and cute enough to burst an ovary.
Say hi to Jack, Reddit