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Netflix has a new feature and it’s a dream for the indecisive watchers amongst us

By Sarah Finnan
29th Apr 2021


Netflix has a new feature and it’s a dream for the indecisive watchers amongst us

Netflix has rolled out a new feature that allows users to cut down on the amount of time they spend picking what to watch.

A year of Netflixing and you’d think we’d be better at picking something to watch. Sadly, that’s not the case and more often than not I spend close to an hour scrolling through the options before huffing and closing my laptop again. Choice is good, great even. But too many choices? Overwhelming. 

Settling on something to watch should be an Olympic sport – the fastest one to do so earning themselves a gold medal. However, Netflix has just introduced a new feature that will hopefully make the process a whole lot easier for us all. 

Simply called the “Play Something” feature, it sounds very like something you’d shout at Alexa when too exasperated to come up with the specifics yourself. Essentially doing much of the groundwork for you, it narrows down your choices to just three options. Visible as soon as you log into your account (right underneath your name), viewers can opt to pick between a show/film they’ve watched before, a suggestion based on past viewings, or pick up where they left off a series you started but haven’t finished yet. 

Already having tested the feature for a few months now (under a variety of names, including “Shuffle Play”), “Play Something” made its global debut for all Netflix users yesterday and so far, so good it seems. Most customers welcomed the upgrade, with one enthusiastic subscriber dubbing it the “best thing” they’ve ever seen. High praise. Another did claim that “only psychopaths would use this feature” though, so safe to say people have strong feelings about it. 

As Netflix put it, “sometimes the best choice, is not to choose.” I couldn’t agree more. 

Feature image via Getty