Dry Skin



Gross alert: I peeled off the skin from my feet and it was incredibly satisfying

If you have hard or dry skin on your feet, an exfoliating foot mask is worth a try.…

By Grace McGettigan

dry skin


Dry skin? Here’s how you can keep it glowing and hydrated all summer long

If you suffer from dry skin even when you moisturise, you may need to reassess your skincare routine…Sometimes,…

By Sarah Gill

skincare ingredients


Tired of dull, dry skin? Make sure you’re using these 4 skincare ingredients

Hydrated, healthy skin is about more than just moisturising. Make sure you’re using a formula that works to…

By Megan Burns


These 4 key products will save your dry skin this winter

Does anyone else's skin currently feel like sandpaper? At this time of year, dry skin is sadly the…

By Jennifer McShane


Spot buster: These 3 face masks should stop you breaking out this winter

It's winter. This means my adult acne, which has never fully cleared, will be in full force thanks…

By Jennifer McShane



5 things you’ll relate to if you suffer from dry skin

Dry skin isn't just a winter issue. Many of us suffer all year round, with it impacting our…

By Eva Hall


Handcreams that’ll keep your hands super soft for longer

Handcreams, handcreams everywhere! We're doing a lot of hand washing and sanitising lately (haven't we always?) and so…

By Aisling Keenan

skin was so dry


My skin was so dry it was flaking. This simple swap sorted it out in a day.

My skin was so dry I didn't recognise it - how had I gone from hydrated to flaky…

By Aisling Keenan



Eczema: All you need to know about the chronic skin condition

One in five Irish children and one in 12 Irish adults are suffering from eczema every day. Here…

By Grace McGettigan


4 homemade face masks to suit every skin type

If you’re anything like the beauty-obsessed folk here at IMAGE HQ, you probably spend a large chunk of…

By Grace McGettigan


We need to talk about Trilogy’s €15.95 Everything Balm

It might not look like you would find magic inside this tiny tin, but you would be surprised.…

By Holly O'Neill


Milky cleansers: The best of them and why they might suit you

Milky cleansers are everywhere right now. There are three great ones I rate - here's why they're a…

By Aisling Keenan