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Image / Beauty

Is the newest cellulite-busting treatment worth the effort?

By Melanie Morris
08th Apr 2018
Is the newest cellulite-busting treatment worth the effort?

Let’s start with a depressing statistic: 85 percent of post-pubertal females around the world report signs of cellulite on their bodies*. And while there’s safety in numbers, that’s possibly not going to offer much solace to those who’ve come out of hibernation to eye up those festival-favourite Daisy Dukes, flirty tennis skirt, or long-abandoned bikini.

While we should all identify as body confident, sometimes feelings run deeper, and sometimes – whether down to genetics, lifestyle, stress or bad luck – it’s just plain miserable to be the owner of a dimply arse. Well, now there are options, and there’s something that’s more than a rub with a body brush, but kinder than liposuction, that can be done to improve the situation.

Say hello to Cellfina, a brand new, recently EU CE-marked, and US FDA- approved minimally invasive treatment that can smooth the appearance of dimpled skin caused by cellulite in just one treatment. Yep, that’s correct. It’s not cheap, but the way it works is absolute because Cellfina operates beneath the skin to, quite literally, cut the tight fibrous bands that “tie” the dermis to the deeper, subcutaneous layers, which results in that “button back sofa” appearance. Send in a device to nip these bands and the skin bounces back out. Do this to your bum, or the backs of the legs (both ideal areas for Cellfina to treat) and cellulite can be history in a single session. And that’s not hype – we sent two IMAGE volunteers to really test the treatment.


Cellfina only works on dimples caused by cellulite, and not puckering due to sagging or loss of skin elasticity (a consultation will reveal all); and at present, the treatment can’t be done widely around the body to ensure no other systems are endangered or damaged. So if you have cellulite on your arms, stomach, or knees, this isn’t your day.

Once identified as a suitable candidate, the patient is prepared and marked up. Then, the procedure itself is about an hour, and relatively painless. Performed under local anaesthetic, there’s the jab of the first, pretty substantial needle into an area, but once the anaesthetic hits, the subsequent ones can’t be felt. The treatable area is then filled with saline, and then the doctor gets to work, cutting the bands and releasing the skin.

As mentioned, two IMAGE guinea pigs tried Cellfina, and while it was a messier procedure than envisaged, neither reported any significant pain, either during or after the treatment. Both noticed an elimination of dimples, with improvements continuing with time, and one saw a lifted appearance in her bum.

So, if you’ve always believed that summer bodies are made in winter, there could be a shortcut via spring, thanks to Cellfina. Anyone for tennis?


  • Cellfina is an invasive treatment (although, minimally so) – you’ll need to take the rest of the day off work, and be kind to yourself.
  • You’ll need to wear compression gear (like Spanx) for about 48 hours.
  • You’ll leak for the first 24 hours as the saline seeps out, so will need to wear absorbent padding. You’ll most likely be bruised for about a week – take arnica beforehand.
  • No strenuous physical activity for about a week after the treatment.
  • The fibrous septae that were cut may never return (or at least shouldn’t for three years, according to trials). That’s not to say other dimples won’t appear, hence the need for ongoing self-care.
  • Cellfina is available in selected aesthetic clinics in Ireland. For details, see Prices start from €3,000 depending on the treatment.