By Ellie Balfe
30th Apr 2015
30th Apr 2015
Ok, it’s cold but it’s still sunny, and if you’re anything like us, you’ve been eyeing up your summer shoes and longing for the day when the weather app on our iphone tells us it’s going to be a decent enough temperature to brave bare tootsies to work.
Those sunny days bring other concerns though – are your bare feet fit for viewing? Are those heels as baby soft as you want them to be? After months in socks, tights and boots – probably not.
So get thee to see Justyna in the Clara Spa in Blackrock Village stat! This woman is a hand, foot and nail expert, so much so, that she recently won first place in Manicure, Pedicure and Gel Nails at a countrywide beauty industry competition.
Justyna has a really interesting approach to her pedicure; she designed an electrical tool herself that is based around the fine files that jewellers use, and had it made for her professional use. It files (very finely) the hard skin on your feet, leaving just soft skin behind. It beats a foot file hands down and it’s quicker!
Our feet are finally summer ready. Someone just serve up the sun please?