Ellie Balfe

With a fully-fledged beauty career behind her, this makeup artist, turned beauty blogger joined IMAGE Magazine as acting beauty editor in 2012. She brought her digital daydreams to the first re-vamp of image.ie in 2013 and was like a proud mum at sports day when the site won Best Digital Product at the 2014 IMA?s. Ellie writes about beauty, as well as this funny old thing called life. She is remarkably fond of Breton tops, red lipstick and good gin and she swears she has a book in her.


As midlife women, it’s time to embrace the power of positive ageing

Midlife should be a time when a woman knows who she really is, and becomes truly comfortable in…

By Ellie Balfe


This is how to stress less this Christmas

Christmas is on the horizon, so are you feeling your blood pressure rise as each door of the…

By Ellie Balfe


‘Causing trouble for the lads’: The rape trial language that revealed a rotten underbelly

Yesterday, as we all know, the four defendants in the Ulster Rape Case were acquitted. And the nation's…

By Ellie Balfe


How I Finally Gave Up Dieting And Negative Self-Talk

Ellie Balfe on the long road to body confidence and ditching the dieting. I am 42 years old…

By Ellie Balfe


Lessons in Love I Learned In My Thirties (The Big Stuff)

In matters of the heart, I would deem my thirties as the years when sh*t got real. Overnight,…

By Ellie Balfe


Please Stop Calling My Daughter A Tomboy- It’s An Awful Label

The simplest dictionary definition of 'tomboy' is ‘ a girl who acts like a boy’ . There are…

By Ellie Balfe


When A Radical New Hair Cut Is A Real Life Gamechanger

A radical new hair cut signalled more than a style switch up- it was a physical manifestation of…

By Ellie Balfe


Astrology: Is It The Next Big Trend To Embrace?

Astrology as a guiding force is one of the emerging trends this year. It’s also a hotly controversial…

By Ellie Balfe


2018’s New Beauty Rules

Was one of your New Year’s Intentions (we don’t do resolutions, remember!) to ramp up your beauty regime…

By Ellie Balfe


Force Quit: What It Feels Like to Face The Fear of Going Freelance

Two months ago I left my job as editor and digital director of this website to go freelance.…

By Ellie Balfe


How To Be A Beautiful Bride (hint: just be yourself)

A quick Google search on how to be a beautiful bride and look wonderful on your wedding day…

By Ellie Balfe


Power Down: Embracing The Post-Christmas Nothingness

And breathe… It’s done. It’s over. Christmas Day 2017 is behind us. All the presents were eventually bought,…

By Ellie Balfe

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