‘I tried to end my life on a tube platform. A woman saw and stopped me’
By Amanda Cassidy
10th Oct 2022
10th Oct 2022
Filmmaker Layke Anderson has opened up about a remarkable incident that saved his life four years ago. The 38-year-old shared a thread on Twitter about how he nearly ended his life in 2018 at Vauxhall tube station in London, only to be stopped by a passer-by.
‘In late 2018, I tried to end my life on a tube platform,’ the thread of tweets began.
‘A woman saw what was happening, and stopped me. At the time, all I could remember about this woman were her earrings — like Qing Dynasty coins. I don’t recall much else to be honest, and I never told anyone.
He explained to BBC radio what the woman did and how it made him feel. “She said everything I needed to hear. But I don’t remember her saying those words… It was the most comforting look, touch. She put her hand on my heart.”
A year later, Mr Anderson was out in a pub with a friend when he became aware of a presence and felt he was being watched.
‘I’d forgotten my specs (glasses) at home, but when I turned around, I knew immediately iIt was a surreal moment for sure, yet felt sort of expected somehow, in that I had the opportunity to look this woman in the eyes and thank her for saving my life.’t was her. She was about 100 feet away,’ he recalled.
‘While I’d not told anyone the story, I decided there and then to tell my mate everything. It was difficult to share how I’d been feeling, but he’s the very best.
‘He too turned to look, but she and I were already on our feet. I don’t recall us saying anything… we simply hugged.
‘I recall feeling her heart beating, and of course, the earrings… she was wearing the same exact earrings’. Mr Anderson finished his Twitter tread by encouraging people to look out for one another.
‘In a world so saturated by choices, living lives with ever more options, we still don’t get to choose our guardian angels,’ Mr Anderson said.
‘But if we’re very lucky, like I was, they will find us when we need them. They’re watching, so let’s watch out for each other. Sharing this only with love.’
Mr Anderson was flooded with messages of support from well-wishers while other shared their own experiences.
“Your recollection is such a beautiful gift to us all” one Twitter user replied. “It shows how we are all put in places for a reason, and the absolute proof of a divine power in charge is that both of your paths crossed again in the most amazing way! I have seen this in my life too.”
Mr Anderson also shared recently that after an internet campaign he’d found the woman who had saved his life. A woman from NewZealand named Tania who he’d been in touch with.
He admitted he was also overwhelmed by the massive response.
“I’m deeply, deeply touched beyond all words and trying to read and respond to every message, while also sending my heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost someone in such circumstances.”
This article was originally published in July 2022.