By Jeanne Sutton
09th Apr 2015
09th Apr 2015
female inmates laughing
Stop everything you are doing. The Orange is the New Black season 3 trailer is here! What do we know so far? Red and Piper are still pals despite their patchy beginning. Evil-ish ex Alex and her amazing eyewear return. Crazy Eyes tries out erotic writing. Boo Boo gets a haircut. We’re sure there will be an eleventh hour plot twist. Probably involving Daya and her prison guard baby daddy trying to keep custody of their sure-to-be-beautiful baby.
It hits streaming service Netflix June 12th. Who’s going to pull a sickie?
If you can’t wait until June 12th for your annual dose of Litchfield, have a listen this cover of the love-it-or-hate-it theme tune from Irish band Kate’s Party.
Follow Jeanne Sutton on Twitter @jeannedesutun