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Image / Editorial

David Beckham Takes The Daily Mail To Task Over Harper Photo

By Jeanne Sutton
11th Aug 2015
David Beckham Takes The Daily Mail To Task Over Harper Photo

David Beckham has become the hero of the internet and tired parents everywhere after he posted a photo to Instagram last night that effectively told tabloids who criticised his parenting skills to take a hike, and a long look at themselves. The ‘controversy’ arose after The Daily Mail, whom Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have brought legal action against after the newspaper published photos of their daughter, wrote a story around David’s young daughter Harper’s use of a pacifier.

The Daily Mail expressed concern at a four-year-old still using a soother and sought out quotes from childcare experts on the ramifications of soother use at such an age. Speech development and crooked teeth were all worries some talking head ruminated upon. It was a weird thing for a paper to go to the mattresses on, and David Beckham really did not appreciate his daughter, who despite her parent’s level of fame is still a four-year-old child and should be free to act as so without worry of tabloid intrusion, being singled out and taunted by one of the biggest publications in the world.

The former footballer took to Instagram, his social media network of choice, to tell the world what he thought of the entire issue. He captioned the screenshot: “Why do people feel they have the right to criticize a parent about their own children without having any facts ?? Everybody who has children knows that when they aren’t feeling well or have a fever you do what comforts them best and most of the time it’s a pacifier so those who criticize think twice about what you say about other people’s children because actually you have no right to criticize me as a parent…”

Can we get a massive round of applause for Mr. David Beckham? He handled this entire debacle in an incredibly mature way. Celebrity dad of the year, every year. We wonder how that reporter feels today about going after a sick four-year-old?