By Bill O'Sullivan
07th Jun 2014
07th Jun 2014
It’s Holy Communion season and one club night has found an alternative way to celebrate
Themes were something that Dublin’s club scene of the 90’s and early noughties did well, but that has in later years been replaced by the need to have big name djs as the selling point of a good night out. But not for the lost souls of Church. Curated by James Kavanagh, Church’s modus operandi is to run nights based on religious holidays, and with the season of cheap suits and ringlets upon us, tonight’s do is themed 1st Holy Communion. A letter in The Irish Times earlier this week complained that the paper shouldn’t have covered the night, in a piece by IMAGE writer Sarah Waldron, as it displayed the organisers “wielding crucifixes” in a manner the reader found distatestful, nay sacriligeous. But the real spirit of Church is good music and cleverly themed get togethers, with no hidden agenda. Tonight’s line-up sees Faune take the floor, the dynamic duo of Will St Ledger and Sarah Byrne. What we like best? The hymn sheet starts with Cyril Hahn and ends with Disclosure. Amen.
1st Holy Communion is on tonight in The Pint at 11pm. Admission 5 Euro.
Roisin Agnew @Roxeenna