Have you asked your landlord for a rent reduction? Have they offered you one?
19th Mar 2020
19th Mar 2020
Landlords and tenants are playing a game of poker. Tenants are waiting for landlords to offer a rent reduction. Landlords are waiting for tenants to ask
Significant measures have been put in place to protect employees hit hardest by coronavirus, but pressure is mounting on the government to help tenants too.
Minister for Social Protection Regina Doherty, speaking on RTÉ Radio One earlier this week, called on landlords to recognise that we’re “all in this together”.
Meanwhile, Finance and Public Expenditure Minister Paschal Donohoe responded to calls for rent assistance by saying: “Let me make clear to them; the first people who should be providing flexibility to their tenants is landlords.”
The government has made it clear that they will be introducing measures to protect tenants. Fianna Fáil finance spokesperson Michael McGrath emphasised that evictions during the pandemic will not be tolerated, and insisted there can be “no move whatsoever” against any tenant who is struggling due to loss of earnings.
Earlier today, Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy proposed a temporary pause on any rent increases for people whose jobs have been impacted by the pandemic, along with a temporary ban on evictions.
I’m just throwing this out there as a 40 year old renter who supports a family of 4 on 1 income; if mortgages can be suspended during Coronavirus, but landlords continue to collect rent (thereby *making money* from this), I WILL RIOT.
— Elaine Crory (@ElaineCrory) March 12, 2020
These measures will certainly help tenants to feel secure in their homes, yet those who have been laid off will still struggle to pay their rent this month. It seems the onus, for now at least, is on tenants and landlords to come to their own arrangements.
Are you struggling to pay rent due to loss of earnings? Have you contacted your landlord to ask for a rent break or reduction?
Has your landlord contacted you?
Please share your story in the comments section, along with any advice you might have for those in the same situation.
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