21st Oct 2014
While Christmas is perhaps the most fun time of year, it’s also the most expensive. With gifts to buy, parties to attend, houses to decorate and turkeys to baste, you’ll have little left over for updating your wardrobe once you’ve got all of the above taken care of. But that’s in a world where there’s no such thing as Penneys.
(Plain Scube Prom Dress, €16. Bow Detail Hardshell Clutch, €10. Flashing Earrings, €2.50.)
Thankfully, in this world, Penneys does exist in all its beautiful budget glory so that we can still look our festive best when we’re down to raiding the back of the couch for coins. Hurrah! For everything from show stopping sequins to metallic knits and faux for mitts, you need look no further.
Just tell Santa your list will be a little longer,
Primark’s collection just got even stronger – #PenneysChristmas