13th Nov 2014
13th Nov 2014
While we can’t quite keep up with her name changes, we’ve always been just a little bit smitten with Ms Tweedy/Cole/Fernandez-Versini. Her triumphant return has made X Factor a favourite guilty pleasure again, with her hair, makeup and outfit choices topping the agenda at the Monday morning Image HQ water cooler.
It hasn’t always been this way (remember those cornrows, anyone?), but the consensus is that she’s killing it this series.
So how, exactly, did she transform herself from a pretty talent-show contestant to a modern beauty icon? With a crack-team of beauty experts, obvs, and who’s to say we couldn’t achieve the same?with a little professional help?
In an optimistic frame of mind, this reviewer took herself off to Beauty Bootcamp Studios for the lowdown on the tools and techniques required to get the Cheryl look.
While L?Oreal won’t be calling us any time soon, the workshop did yield plenty of practical, useful tips, including these three little gems:
1. The key to most of Cheryl’s hair looks? Backcombing, mousse, and lots and lots of hairspray. It sounds easy – and after we’ve been tutored, it actually kinda is.
2. Cheryl’s the queen of contouring – but what if you’re a little less accomplished? Cream products are your friend: apply with fingers, and you can actually feel your way along the cheekbone, which you just can’t do with powder and a brush.
3. Brows are also crucial to Chezza’s polished look. Extend them a little further than where they naturally end, to allow more room for smoking out your shadow; this tip will help to elongate your eyes.
www.beauty-bootcamp.com; €88 pp for a full-day session, to include a glass of bubbly.
Emma Henderson @fluffyblog