By Holly O'Neill
11th Nov 2017
11th Nov 2017
In the November issue of IMAGE, on shelves nationwide now, leading Irish hair experts share the AW17 trends to know and the products you’ll need for great winter hair.
“Microfringes are becoming more fashionable again. But I do love a long, curved fringe.” – Paul Davey, Davey Davey, daveydavey.com
“All fringes are in! Long bangs, short fringes, micro fringes… If you like any of those fringes, they are very much in fashion. I’m seeing a lot of rock n’ roll fringes this season – Sienna Miller, Alexa Chung, Kate Moss and Suki Waterhouse have all been spotted rocking the trend and it’s very wearable.” – Christian Shannon, Brown Sugar, South William Street, brownsugar.ie
“Fringes are huge this autum/winter. We are seeing a lot of beatnik fringes and schoolgirl lengths with broken textures throughout.” – Sharon Sheehan, AC Pure, 051 421288
“We’re getting a huge amount of requests for bangs at the moment with a middle parting- the Farrah Fawcett style is coming back. Longer fringes are more popular as they are versatile and can be brushed off the face or easily swept into a side fringe.” – Paul Hession, Hession Hairdressing, hessionhairdressing.com
“The fringe is huge this season and my favourite is short and really textured. Although it’s not for everyone, it’s all about chatting with your stylist about the fringe that will suit you. Why not try a clip in fringe if you’re not brave enough to go for the chop?” – Darren Lacken, Crow Street Collective, cscollective.ie
“Long fringes from the cheekbone down, with texture. Hair right now looks effortless and the “grown out fringe” is on trend, mostly because it works with the biggest colour trend of the moment, balayage.” – Katie Jane Goldin, CEO of LanaiBLO, Gold Fever, Instyler and greathairinspiration.com.
Check out Sharon Sheehan, Paul Davey, Paul Hession, Christian Shannon, Darren Lacken and Katie Jane Goldin‘s tips for autumn/winter hair trends in the November issue of IMAGE, on shelves nationwide now.