The South County Dublin rebound dating guide: a far cry from the Ye West approach

by Leonie Corcoran
28th Jan 2022
28th Jan 2022
Read time: 5mins
When you're dealing with a heart crushing break-up in Dublin, a rebound date usually looks more like Eddie Rockets in Stillorgan with garlic'n'cheese fries than the billionaire budget Ye West approach. At least it does for Esther O’Moore Donoghue.
Picture the scene. You’re heartbroken. You recently started showering again and are back on solid foods but overall, you’re still in bits. But one brave evening, high off the fumes of a three-in-one tray, you download a dating app. As you absentmindedly swipe left with one hand and scrape hardened yoghurt off the top you’ve been wearing for a week with the other, you match with someone! “Yay…terrific,” you say to the cooker, because you’d...
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