The best parenting advice from grandmothers to their grown up children
by Amanda Cassidy
07th Dec 2023
07th Dec 2023
There is wisdom in experience - which is why I never take for granted the things my own mother told me when I brought my first little one into the world. There's comfort in having someone who has been there, done that, and ruined the t-shirt tell you what's what. We spoke to our parenting panel about the things that their mums have told them that really stick with them, and why these shared moments of guidance are truly the greatest gift.
Let’s clear something up first. Yes, I do have to filter a LOT of advice from the elders in my life, especially when I hear things like ‘that baby will catch a cold’ when it is 25 degrees outside. But for the most part, I treasure the things I’m told as I try to navigate the most tricky parenting years. From the ‘right’ way to wind a child to the things you should pack for...
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