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It’s Virgo season – here’s what to expect for the next month
Image / Self / Advice

It’s Virgo season – here’s what to expect for the next month

by Clarisse Monahan
23rd Aug 2023

Welcome Virgo season, from August 23 to September 22!

We hereby leave behind Leo season’s reign of flair and move toward practical Virgo. The transition between these two signs is one of the most dramatic on the astrological calendar, given that Leo is, after all, the zodiac’s drama queen, while Virgo functions more like a stage-manager, hustling behind the scenes to make sure the cosmic show goes on.

Where Leo is a Sun-ruled sign (public, vainglorious, and proud), Virgo is lorded over by precise Mercury (detail-oriented, analytic, a bit anal). Where Leo goes big, Virgo goes small. Where Leo wants attention directed at itself and its needs, Mercury directs attention to others. Where Leo is about spectacle, Mercury is about service.

Another way to think about it: as we head into Virgo season, we switch from epic (Leo) to ode or idyll (Virgo). And like idyll poetry, this upcoming month’s energy requires concentrated attention on the minutiae of our everyday lives, as we get family, friends, and even foes on the same page for the stretch run of yet another year: Back-to-school; Halloween; Holiday cheer. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Now, the question that should arise here, of course, is something like: what’s the deeper significance of this monthly volte-face between seasons? Why is there such a reversal between Leo and Virgo? (Or between Aries and Taurus? Or between Aquarius and Pisces?) In other words, what is the teachable moment here?

“Aligning” with each season from month-to-month invites us to learn flexibility and adaptability. Such a cosmic lesson runs counter to a common understanding and criticism of astrology, namely that it’s too static or monolithic. In this (mis)reading, you have a set nature (say, that of Aries) which determines your personality. End-of-story.

But, really, the opposite is true. Far from suggesting a kind of boring stasis, working through the reversals of each season is meant to make you “be like water” in the immortal words of martial arts genius Bruce Lee, so that “nothing in you stays rigid.” Astrology isn’t about fixity, but rather change and growth.

Let’s keep Bruce Lee’s words in mind, as we look at the very busy set of transits over the next four weeks. To wit:

Virgo season dates of note

The biggest day of the season is also its first day: August 23rd. That’s when the Sun saunters into Virgo. But that’s also the day when Mercury (Virgo’s ruling planet) goes retrograde in the Maiden, too. A retrograde is a transit where a planet seems to be moving backwards in the sky relative to us on Earth. When this happens, that planet’s influence and qualities get debilitated. Retrogrades involving Mercury (communication, commerce) are notorious for misunderstandings and delays. So, on the 23rd, be sure not to send out any important contracts and avoid travel, if possible.

On August 27th, war-like Mars enters into peace-loving Libra. A day of major contrasts. Libra (the Scales) functions to find balance and harmony between social elements. However, Mars tends to produce discord and confrontation. Expect this date to be a tough one for establishing consensus at work or at home. It could be that you find yourself playing the role of the problem-solver (Libra-side) or notice that you’re the one causing friction (Mars). No matter which part you play, prepare for loggerheads energy.

Unconventional Uranus goes retrograde on August 28th. We’ve already seen that retrogrades tend to make a planet’s influence wonky or weird. Given that Uranus-energy is always already oddball, this could be a day where we feel like we’re living through a Monty-Python skit – lots of hijinks and comedies of error, overly-long, and not that funny.

On August 30th, a lovely bit of astrological magic. That’s when we have a Full Moon in Pisces. Full Moons are for celebrations, culminations, patting yourself on the back. But some Full Moons are bigger than others (in terms of significance) and this is one of them. Why? As our emotional-centre, the Moon is most comfortable in water signs, especially Pisces and Cancer. Pisces is the visionary and artistic member of the zodiac. The Moon here betokens heightened intuition and artistic sensitivity. This is the best day of the month to celebrate the power of art in our lives by reading or writing idyll poetry in a pastoral setting (preferably by moonlight).

After an abnormally long retrograde since late July, lovely Venus goes “direct” on September 3rd. When a planet goes direct, it regains its powers, which for Venus center around love, beauty, desire. September 3rd thus betokens a bedazzled day to get into the salon. During Venus retrogrades, it’s usually advised not to make drastic moves with your beauty regimen. The waiting time is over on the 3rd. Splurge a bit on your look this date.

On September 4th, lucky Jupiter goes retrograde. Stay away from games of chance and the horse-tracks, as retrogrades weaken a planet’s influence on us.

Next, mark your calendar for the New Moon in Virgo on September 14th. This is your best day of the month to write a “To Do” list for the next two weeks. New Moons are for setting intentions and Virgo energy is great for being very clear and precise about what you need to get done in a practical sense. Take 10 minutes to sit down and outline the next fortnight of tasks.

Lastly, Mercury goes direct on September 15th. Expect to feel more energised on this date around writing, communication and speechifying. We think it’s finally time to write that long group email to family and friends about your summer vacation to Corfu, in which you interlace your prose with observations on Greek history, the beauty of nature there, and the need to protect the environment more generally.

Photography by rawpixel.