IMAGE Talks Fertility Event: Everything you need to know about IVF
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14th Sep 2023
14th Sep 2023
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We understand that the journey to parenthood can be filled with unique challenges and emotions. Join us for an evening of encouragement, insight, and guidance at Waterstone Clinic, where you will have the opportunity to learn everything you need to know about IVF; to connect with others who share similar experiences, and to learn from the experts in a safe and nurturing space.
On Thursday, September 28, guests will be welcomed with prosecco, nosecco and sweet treats. Soon after, Editorial Director Dominique McMullan will welcome Waterstone experts Dr Eithne Lowe and Martina Kelly and past Waterstone Clinic patients Clare and Barry for an intimate and informative chat that will help you on your journey towards building the family you dream of and leave you empowered and educated about all things IVF.
Guests will have the opportunity to speak with Clare, Barry and the Waterstone experts after the event, and will depart with an understanding of the processes and emotions behind IVF treatment, a luxury gift bag, a copy of IMAGE Autumn and a Waterstone Clinic voucher to put towards your fertility treatment.
Is this event for you? If you’re considering fertility treatments, at the beginning of your fertility journey or simply seeking information, you’ll benefit from this special evening. We’ll have expert speakers and individuals who have walked this path themselves to share their stories and expertise.
As this is an intimate event and setting, there are limited places available. In order to join us for a heartfelt evening of hope and support at Waterstone Clinic, we ask that you fill in this short form below, and we will be in touch.
When & Where
When: Thursday, September 28 at 7pm
Where: Waterstone Clinic, 8 Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2, D02 E033
This is an exclusive event with limited availability. If you would like to attend, please complete the form below and IMAGE will be in touch to inform you whether or not you have a place.
We require this level of information to ensure that the attendee’s profile is suitable for the event content. This information will be kept confidential and will only be visible to IMAGE Media. It will not be shared with any third-party companies, and it will not be retained after the event date.
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About the Speakers
Dr Eithne Lowe, Consultant in Reproductive Medicine
Dr Eithne Lowe is a highly experienced consultant in reproductive medicine who leads the team at Waterstone Clinic Dublin. She graduated from Queen’s University of Belfast in 1987 with a Distinction in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and she completed her post-graduate specialist training during ten years spent in London.
Dr Lowe has more than twenty years of experience in fertility and has a special interest in working with couples on lifestyle issues to try to improve their chances of natural conception. She believes working on overall health and wellbeing will ultimately improve outcomes if fertility treatments are necessary.
Martina Kelly, Senior Fertility Nurse Specialist
Martina Kelly is a fertility nurse specialist at the Waterstone Clinic in Kildare. She trained as a registered general nurse in the Midlands and was one of the first nurses in Ireland to specialise in women’s health. She has worked all over the world – in Australia, Barbados, Trinidad, the UK and Ireland.
Having worked in fertility for many years, Martina is passionate about women’s health. She runs the Waterstone Clinic Kildare site, helping women and couples fulfil their dreams of parenthood.
Clare and Barry, Waterstone Clinic Patients
In 2016, Clare and Barry were eager to become parents, so after months of trying they went in for routine tests to ensure they could conceive naturally. Sadly, they were told they only had a five per cent chance – Clare was diagnosed with an autoimmune hypothyroidism that would take months to regulate and Barry’s sperm concentration was posing a challenge.
After turning to friends and loved ones for advice, they decided to try a fertility clinic in the Czech Republic. Not only was it initially more affordable than at-home options but they knew people who had a good experience seeking treatment abroad. Unfortunately, this was not the case for Clare and Barry and what ensued was a costly two-and-a-half-year process of IVF, filled with miscommunication, misdiagnosis, tons of tests with no answers, and physical and emotional pain.
At the end of it all, the couple felt mentally drained and had little hope. They began looking into adoption before they heard of Waterstone Clinic. Deciding to give IVF one last shot, they had a much more positive experience from the get-go, with no hidden costs or being in the dark. And though the process was tough, they found immense support in the Waterstone Clinic staff. After their difficult journey with clinics abroad, their cycle of IVF at Waterstone Clinic was a very successful one.
After their first embryo transfer, they had the positive test they had waited so long for and had a beautiful baby boy in 2021. Then keen to extend their family, they returned again to their trusted team and a second frozen embryo transfer (one of the embryos from the original IVF cycle at Waterstone Clinic) resulted in another successful happy outcome and the delivery of a baby girl earlier this year. Clare and Barry feel passionately about sharing their story to give hope to others struggling to build their families and are very thankful that they heard of Waterstone Clinic when they needed that care.