By Jennifer McShane
19th Jul 2015
19th Jul 2015
It seems that we may be breaking from what was formally strictly forbidden at weddings. That is, anyone wearing white, bar the bride. New figures have shown that three in five women (a high enough number, we think) would commit what was once (and perhaps still is) the ultimate wedding no-no and wear white to someone else’s wedding.
What do you make of this? Call this writer old-fashioned but this seems a little odd, even in the modern age, where many high-profile weddings (Kate Middleton, Solange Knowles, the Kardashians and Kate Moss) have their guests wearing white (it’s currently an ?in? trend for many a celebrity). We just don’t know how comfortable we’d feel going in a white outfit, outside of the main bridal party though. Many a bride wouldn’t always opt for white, and if so, you’re safe, but chances are they will and we think it would just feel strange.

Is it really acceptable to wear white if you’re just a ‘regular? guest?
According to Marie Claire, many of those surveyed would deem this acceptable. The magazine revealed that the survey, conducted by George at Asda also revealed some other interesting wedding fashion stats, including the fact that 40 per cent of women say the day would be ruined if another guest turned up in the same outfit as them (the horror), and 50 percent admit to buying a new outfit for every occasion because they fear being caught on social media (we’ve all been there and felt the shame when this has happened in the past).
The survey was carried out by Asda’s clothing brand George and a spokesperson said: ?There is definitely pressure amongst wedding guests to look their best, so it is no surprise that so many women surveyed were mortified at the thought of wearing the same outfit as someone else.?
Other Faux Pas included making inappropriate comments in best mans speech, followed by those who got too drunk or ?got off? with the bridesmaid. Insulting the mother of the bride (can you imagine doing this) was up there as well.
We’re not sure about wearing white at all, but is it just us though? Would you wear white to a wedding?
Via Marie Claire