By Jeanne Sutton
16th Nov 2015
16th Nov 2015
Adele isn’t your typical popstar, but we already knew that. However, despite her established outlier status, the singer’s bracing honesty in interviews still continues to take us by surprise. In a recent interview with The Guardian, the Hello singer discussed her refusal to participate in endorsement deals, explaining she’s been offered money to publicly approve of everything bar the kitchen sink but won’t bite.
“What have I said ‘no’ to? Everything you can imagine,” she said, before elaborating. “Literally every-fucking-thing. Books, clothes, food ranges, drink ranges, fitness ranges… That’s probably the funniest. They wanted me to be the face of a car. Toys. Apps. Candles. It’s, like, I don’t want to endorse a line of nail varnishes, but thanks for asking. A million pounds to sing at your birthday party? I’d rather do it for free if I’m doing it, cheers…?
Endorsements are a fact of modern celebrity. Every personality with a significant amount of social media followers has posed?in a pair of tagged sunglasses. Does anyone actually lie around in their back garden feeling complete because of their Calvin Kleins? Phones at Coachella must have a super battery for all the drinks companies Instagirls have to pay tribute to. I know Irish women of whom my mother wouldn’t have a notion being paid in cash or in kind to ‘endorse’ cars, spa treatments and even herbal tea. Obviously actual celebrity is a step up in terms of bankable riches, there’s not a beauty product in sight that doesn’t have a recognizable face attached to it. In fact, strong rumour has it Adele walked away from a massive L’Oreal contract some years ago at the final negotiations stages.
About fame, Adele says that at a certain stage,?‘money is all that gets thrown at you?. It must be tempting to follow the cash, a weakness Adele admits to:??It’s very easy to give in to being famous. Because it’s charming. It’s powerful. It draws you in. Really, it’s harder work resisting it. But after a while I just refused to accept a life that was not real.?
However, the Oscar-winning’singer-songwriter says she overcame all that around the time of 21. ?Like, becoming OK with having things done for you. Or – no – expecting things to be done for you. I’ve had a few moments like that. And it frightened me. I think it was something simple like running out of clean clothes. And me not having the initiative to wash my own clothes. I was annoyed that my clothes weren’t clean… Around the time of 21, when I was on top of the mountain. So I told myself I’d better abseil down. And go and do my fucking laundry.?
As always, refreshing insights on something most people shy away from discussing. Thank you, Adele.
Via The Guardian