23rd Jan 2015
23rd Jan 2015
trans video still
Yesterday, we expressed our genuine warmth and support for Bruce Jenner’s transition to a female identity in the face of what has been, quite nasty media attention.
Closer to home, the Transgender Equality Network of Ireland has released a powerful video to correspond with the introduction of the Gender Recognition Bill into the Seanad and it is an absolute must-watch.
In the same vein of the Kardashians supporting Bruce, the TENI video broaches the issue of gender identity in a simple way, using the power of family to reinforce how basic some of the rights they speak about truly are.
By placing several Irish trans people by their families it reinforces the awful fact that they still do not have the same rights as those not affected by their gender identity, and how we would want the same for our loved ones.
Check out what you can do to help fight for trans rights at the Transgender Equality Network of Ireland.