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Image / Editorial

This Year Electric Picnic Had An Onsite Laundrette

By Jeanne Sutton
09th Sep 2015
This Year Electric Picnic Had An Onsite Laundrette

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Listen, festivals, leaving aside the fairy lights and dancing, can be grim. There’s tent living, queues for lukewarm-if-you’re-lucky showers, a feast of takeaway food that will be felt the next day. For every Instagram moment, there’s a filthy make-up wipe pile accumulating a metre from your makeshift pillow.

However, this year at Electric Picnic there was an attempt at some civility with #SureToEP, the festival’s first onsite launderette, brought to us by everyone’s favourite laundry detergent. A weekend away and living beneath the stars can descend into a mini-hell if your allocated cans spill all over your jumpsuit wardrobe. An impromptu?actual-picnic with pals may be the best way to chat up that guy whose sunglasses don’t broadcast jerk, but damp jeans are the ultimate first world sorrow. And the mere thought will give your mother a coronary.

Spotted at Surf’s pop-up laundrette was OPSH’s Sarah McGinn and model Holly Carpenter.