10th Mar 2017
Sarah Keane was elected the new President of the Olympic Council on the 9th of February. The Swim Ireland chief executive succeeded Pat Hickey, who was President for 28 years, until he was arrested as part of a ticket touting investigation at the Rio Olympics last August.
Keane was a guest panelist at the?International Federation (IF) Women in Leadership Forum which concluded on the same day, where around 60 representatives from across the Olympic Movement took part in discussions of a 10-point action plan designed to increase possibilities for girls and women in sport both on and off the field of play.
The three-day forum was jointly organised by the IOC and ASOIF as part of efforts to bring more women into leadership positions in all levels of sport, including management, coaching and officiating positions. Around 60 representatives from across the Olympic Movement took part in the discussions, including women in mid or senior positions from 23 Summer and Winter Sports Federations.
The Forum was closed by Lydia Nsekera, Chair of the IOC Women in Sport Commission, and ASOIF Executive Director Andrew Ryan.
Chair Nsekera told the participants: ?This Forum was an opportunity to meet other female colleagues from National and International Federations to share respective experiences. We must know that we have a place in sport! Power is not reserved for men, far from it. It is also reserved for us. We must also understand that our fight cannot succeed without support from men!?
Check out the social pictures from the celebration of the contribution of Irish women to the Olympic Movement in the gallery above.