By Erin Lindsay
24th Jun 2018
24th Jun 2018
When someone is in hospital, whether it’s for an overnight stay or something more long-term, it can be difficult for everyone. We wonder what we can say, what we can do to try and make it easier for the patient. Although just visiting your loved one and showing you care is more than enough, it doesn’t hurt to earn some brownie points by bringing them practical gifts that they’ll really appreciate. Steer clear of cluttery flowers and cards and check out these thoughtful ideas.
Cosy clothes
If you have a loved one in hospital, and especially if they’re in any sort of pain or discomfort, all they’ll want is to be as cosy and comfortable as possible. Fluffy pyjamas, socks, dressing gowns and slippers are inexpensive and are the best way to feel a bit more relaxed in their surroundings. Plus, the temperature can be a bit more erratic in hospitals and sometimes gets too cold, especially for older people. A good set of cosies will warm them right up.

A good pillow and blanket
When you’re stuck in a bed all day, you at least want it to be comfortable. Hospital linens can be a little scratchy at the best of times, and everyone knows that a finding the perfect pillow is a lifelong mission. Bring your hospital-goer a soft blanket and their own pillow (make sure to find out if they’re a firm or squashy person) and watch them settle in to bed a lot more comfortable.

Pampering toiletries
A long shower to yourself is a luxury in hospital, and patients often have to make do with getting cleaned up in bed. Doing a good cleanse-tone-moisturise routine works wonders to make them feel more like themselves, and some nice scented lotions, body sprays, and even some make-up will be much appreciated by the women in the ward (and often the men too).
Adult colouring books
The mindful hobby that has taken the world by storm is the perfect gift for a bored patient. Finding things to occupy time in hospital is often the top priority, and the methodical nature of colouring is a great way to calm the mind of someone who might be worried or stressed about their condition. Just don’t forget the crayons.
Earplugs and eye mask
Sleep is your most valuable commodity when you’re ill, and in a bustling hospital, it can be a little difficult to switch off. Block out the noise and lights with good earplugs and an eye mask and they’ll love you forever.
An extra long charger
There are a lot of cables around hospital beds which take up space in the electrical outlets. The patient’s nearest port might be a distance away from their bed, and since most of their day is going to be spent whiling away the hours with electrical goods, charging them is important. Invest in a good quality, long charger cable and they’ll never be left stuck on 2%.
Home cooked food
Hospital food, as clean and nutritious as it may be, sometimes just can’t live up to a home-cooked meal. Bring your patient a dinner in tin foil one evening, or their favourite food that only you know how to make just right. Just make sure the food can be eaten cold or heated in a microwave. Soup is always good, as is lasagna, and fresh fruit is often in short supply too.