Nadine Reid: “I give each year a title to help shape it, I have decided 2019 is ‘The Big Dream’”
03rd Jan 2019
03rd Jan 2019
Tell us a little about yourself
I am Nadine Reid, a Roving Reporter, TV Presenter and semi-retired makeup artist. I am getting used to these new titles as so much has changed for me in 2018. I can’t see me giving up the makeup brushes for now. I can’t watch someone with smeared lipstick on their teeth or help fix a false eyelash hanging in the corner. It’s like an unofficial oath I signed in glitter to her Makeup Majesty PatMcGrath and AlexBox!
How are you approaching the new year?
In previous years I have chosen a title to help shape the energy and goals of my year, such as ‘Catch the chicken’ ‘Have Courage’ and for 2019 I have decided to have the theme ‘The Big Dream’.
When making decisions I will simply ask myself, am I dreaming BIG Enough, am I playing too small because it’s safe? Remember that quote “aim for the moon and you will at least hit the stars” That’s the goal. If my dreams are massive the smaller achievements will still be huge and you never know you might just get what you ask for.
What do you think of resolutions?
I don’t really do them. I like to make small life changes at any time of the year. I see the eve of my Birthday as my new years eve. On the run-up I become more reflective, assess the past year’s wins and lessons and then focus on the goals for the year ahead. I like to set myself up for success. Big New Year Resolutions seem to me like dramatic dieting, you might lose the weight, then a few months pass life happens and you’re back to where you were before you started and feel terrible.
What parts of yourself have you learned to love?
Authenticity. I really struggle to be someone other than myself. Since joining the Xposé guest reporters team, I have spent time practicing feeling comfortable being myself. It’s the same in video, print and social media. I am starting to feel more peaceful at being who I am in the workplace and for that I am proud. I have learned to love myself more on camera and I don’t judge my faults as much. I take the lesson and move on.
Any parts of yourself you are developing this year?
I am changing all the time. I enjoy developing my skills, so I guess I want to improve in everything. whilst I am on my journey of becoming the best ‘Nadine’ I can be.
Who do you look up to?
I am getting better at looking up to Myself. It’s a tough one for many of us.
I admire and take inspiration from any person who has achieved or is working towards their dreams whilst being their true selves.
What are your plans or goals for 2019?
I have personal goals I keep for myself, but that’s between me, God and Rupaul.
I plan to explore talents I enjoyed as a child/teenager when I was sometimes shy. I just finished a stand-up comedy course at the Gaiety School in December. I want to continue practicing my comedy skills and also explore an Acting for Screen part-time course.
I plan to explore talents I enjoyed as a child/teenager when I was sometimes shy. I just finished a stand-up comedy course at the Gaiety School in December. I want to continue practicing my comedy skills and also explore an Acting for Screen part-time course.
I really want to see more of Ireland. I have lived here for 3 years and have barely scratched the surface of this great Emerald Isle. Touring and chats with the locals is definitely a goal for summer 2019. I am also planning to do a DNA test, that will tell me the history of my DNA. I am hoping for at least a 1% Irish ancestry, wouldn’t that be something from Jamaica to Ireland? “Nadine’s DNA journey from a hot island to a cold Ireland” ?????
A few work goals
To continue doing more TV presenting, acting in adverts, MC’ing and after seeing a few Irish pantos, I would absolutely love to join a Pantomime in Christmas 2019.
As John Lennon said “life is what happens while you are busy making other plans”. So we will just have to see how I get on.