03rd Sep 2014
Kelly Brook
With her autobiography – Up Close – now on shelves, Kelly Brook has taken to the media (The Sun in particular, where her book has been serialised) to share some extracts that chronicle intimate details about her somewhat turbulent upbringing on a council estate in Kent as well as her recent love life tribulations in which she admits to getting physically violent with two ex boyfriends. The actress and media personality recounts her ‘violent and horrific’ childhood memories, something that many of us will have been unaware of ’til now.
“My parents would spend too long in the pub, come home p***ed and eat the burnt Sunday lunch. Then there would be a fight and the police would be called. Or my dad would drive off in his truck.” she recalls.
“One of the worst times was when my dad came back from the pub and started throwing furniture around, while Mum and I huddled out of the way…?My mother, Sandra, called the police and my dad, Kenneth, tried to climb out of the window to escape. He broke his leg trying to avoid them and they had to carry him down the stairs … It was one of the most traumatic events in my childhood.”
Kelly’s father has since passed away after losing his battle with cancer in 2007.
The star who is now engaged to David McIntosh after a tumultuous relationship with Danny Cipriani, has also admitted to the negative ways in which her parents behaviour impacted on her own, including bouts of shoplifting and time spent in a prison cell, all of which preceded her time as a familiar face under the glare of the media.
While countless fans will surely identify with Kelly’s story and the part of the book in which recalls the times she punched Danny Cipriani and Jason Statham respectively, a charity supporting male victims of domestic abuse has come out to say they are shocked by the lack of backlash against Brook for such an admission, for they feel it would be taken very seriously were it the other way around, with either of the men punching her.
On the Cipriani incident, she writes: ?As I headed back to the table, I saw Danny walking towards me. ?Babe,? he said, ?I’ve been looking for you!? I punched him straight in the face!… At that point, four bouncers leaped on me. They picked me up like the crazy, drunk, betrayed woman I was. It had all gone very Jerry Springer.?
While on the Statham incident, she recalls: ?He started to swing his hips from side to side and do a little jive with his arms, saying: ?Gywnnie, Gwynnie, Gwynnie. Sexy, sexy, sexy!? He turned round, only to be met with my fist in his face.”
?I am extremely disappointed that there is no public backlash against the actions of Ms Brook as if the genders were reversed then there rightly would be,? Mark?Brooks, Chairman of ManKind told?The Independent.
?It would then lead the news agenda, politicians would be speaking out and social media would be alive with comment. Sadly, because men are the victims there is a deathly silence which shows how far we need to go before all victims of domestic abuse are treated the same.?
What’s your take? Would you have reacted the same to reading of Kelly’s behaviour if she were a man? Should there be more backlash against her?