Is This Your Year To Quit Smoking? Let Us Help You Stop For Good with Boots
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06th Feb 2018
06th Feb 2018
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Quitting smoking is one of the most common resolutions we make in the new year. But do you know that 80% of resolutions will not make it past the second week in February? We all have great intentions, but sometimes we lack that extra little push we need to really kick our habits.
With this in mind, Boots Ireland has devised a new national campaign to help support and help you when you’re ready to go smoke-free. They will support you to stop smoking by rewarding you when you Stop For Good. Through their revamped, evidence-based Stop For Good Rewards service, Boots will provide participants who remain smoke-free throughout the 12-week programme with goodies worth up to €75, expert advice and support when they most crave it.
We really believe in the power of supporting and rewarding which is why we want to help one lucky IMAGE reader the chance to try the Stop For Good programme with Boots. If you’re ready to take the challenge, email niamh.odonoghue@image.ie and tell us why you’d like take part in this 12-week challenge.
Boots have recruited two well-known Irish personalities, DJ Tara Stewart and PR guru Rob Kenny, to help them on their stopping for good journeys and are encouraging the public to get behing their efforts to Stop For Good.
Speaking about the Stop For Good Programme Caoimhe McCauley, Director of Pharmacy, Boots said, “at Boots we understand that stopping smoking isn’t easy and that’s why we’ve created the Stop For Good Rewards programme, to give those who want to quit the very best chance at succeeding. The new addition of rewards in the programme is designed to ensure participants continue feeling positive about their efforts while encouraging them to stop smoking for the long term.
If you’re ready to change your life for the better, then try these helpful tips from Boots pharmacist Susan O’Dwyer on stopping for good:
Keep active. Being busy is a great way to distract yourself from smoking. Exercise will help you feel great, manage stress and prevent weight gain.
Avoid temptation. Don’t put yourself in a situation that makes you want to smoke. Be aware of the things that are likely to tempt you. For the first few weeks, try to avoid these situations. Get rid of anything that reminds you of smoking, including lighters, cigarettes and ashtrays. Try to go to places where you won’t be tempted to smoke e.g.. cinema, swimming, the gym etc.
Use reminders. Use reminders to help you stick to your plan. For example, pin up a list of your reasons for stopping in a place where you’ll see it every day. Or ask a friend to call you daily to ask how you’re doing.
Be willing to make sacrifices. Remember this is a priority in your life. You’ll feel great when you succeed. Be prepared to make sacrifices in the short term.
Eat well. Tucking into a healthy diet will help you avoid gaining weight.
Find a new way to relax. You might think that a cigarette helps you cope with stress. But it actually does the opposite because it raises your blood pressure and increases your heart rate. Find other ways to relax. Take a walk, run a bubble bath, call a friend – there are lots of other things you can do to relax.
Reward yourself. Make sure you feel great about giving up with regular treats.
Click here to get in touch and let’s help you to Stop For Good.