By Jennifer McShane
14th Nov 2015
14th Nov 2015
We’ve spent hours watching the events unfold in horror. Still, we are scarcely able to comprehend the senseless violence, the dark menace that descended on the City of Light on Friday night. The world is in shock, France in a state of emergency as they try to pick up the fragile pieces from their second horrific attack this year. It’s hard to find the words, to say them, or even write them, but the world is united in its grief, and we are going to try and reiterate ours as loudly as possible,?to those who need it more than ever. Thousands have taken to social media as their way of proclaiming their support for a nation broken by terror. But Paris and its people are strong – they won’t remain this way for long. Until they find their strength again, hopefully, some of these inspiring words expressing deepest sympathies, acts of kindness or simple words of comfort, will help a nation taking tentative steps toward becoming whole once more.
In case you missed our own piece to Paris this morning, read it here:?We Pray For Paris
Life is fragile. As we are witnessing on the news. Use this moment to spread love. Love conquers hate.
? Maria Shriver (@mariashriver) November 14, 2015
What can we do in response to these Paris attacks? We pray, we love those around us, we fight for all that is right, and we never give up. – Daniel Bostic (@debostic) November 14, 2015
My message to the French people: Nous sommes solidaires avec vous. Nous sommes tous ensemble. We are with you. United.
? David Cameron (@David_Cameron) November 14, 2015
My mum lives with her partner Jean in Paris. He has lived there all his life, sent me this today. pic.twitter.com/r4acNuQz2q – Katie Grant (@kt_grant) November 14, 2015
We are not afraid. They will not win. Hate masked by religion will not win. We are united in love and humanity and in heartbreak for Paris.
? Kaitlin Doubleday (@KaitlinDday) November 14, 2015
Don’t allow this horrific act allow you to be drawn into the loss of your humanity or tolerance. That is the intended outcome. #ParisAttacks – Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) November 14, 2015
Don’t just proclaim solidarity with those in Paris (but do that!), connect with those next door. Terror is intended to divide us. Fight it.
? Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) November 14, 2015
The poor people of Paris. The poor people of this world. Once again, my deepest sympathies to all of humanity as we all live thru this. – Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) November 14, 2015
The Sydney Opera House stands, illuminated, in support of #Paris tonight pic.twitter.com/F8A6239f7Y
? Peter Brown (@SydneyEditor) November 14, 2015
France24 is reporting #Paris taxi drivers have turned off meters and are driving people home for free – Julia Macfarlane (@juliamacfarlane) November 13, 2015
Parisians are strong. Parisians are defiant. They stood up in the face of the Charlie Hebdo terror. They’ll do it again.
? Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) November 14, 2015
I always find and share this photo when the news is difficult. Because it is always true pic.twitter.com/FLZMQd1oHk – Scott Bryan (@scottygb) November 14, 2015
Is that rain or is heaven crying today? #Paris
? Ben Fogle (@Benfogle) November 14, 2015
United we stand. Humanity will always prevail. Thoughts and prayers for the people of #Paris pic.twitter.com/NdL2RT29Ny – Daniel Mays (@DanielMays9) November 14, 2015
I pray our actions can be a reflection of our prayers for peace. #Prayers4Paris pic.twitter.com/EmBgldwvfH
? justin baldoni (@justinbaldoni) November 14, 2015
Thoughts + prayers to friends / family in Paris and everyone at Le Bataclan – a venue we played recently. A senseless and horrible tragedy. – JARED LETO (@JaredLeto) November 14, 2015
If you’re feeling dreadful & useless about #Paris do something positive. Call a mate, give to charity, readdress the balance in a tiny way.
? Rae Earl (@RaeEarl) November 13, 2015
Stop. Get off Twitter. Turn off your device. Hug a loved one. Pray for those who lost their loved ones. #jesuisparis – Joe Lynch (@TheJoeLynch) November 14, 2015
2. It’s up to us not to let that madness cause us to turn on each other. If we do, they win. Coexistence, tolerance,& love are revolutionary
? Sophia Bush (@SophiaBush) November 14, 2015
This isn’t said enough. Talk to your neighbour, create a friendship with everyone you meet everywhere you are. https://twitter.com/anamariecox/status/665356856798277633 – Wayward Smith (@waywardsmith) November 14, 2015
This is a shocking attack on humanity. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families. We stand with France tonight.
? Enda Kenny (@EndaKennyTD) November 13, 2015
Praying for everyone is Paris. My heart is breaking. – Caitriona Balfe (@caitrionambalfe) November 13, 2015
Watch the full statement from @POTUS on the attacks in Paris. https://www.snappytv.com/tc/1014354
? The White House (@WhiteHouse) November 13, 2015
“Imagine” played on a mobile piano near the #Bataclan in Paris. People here are in chock. #ParisAttacks #tv2newsdk pic.twitter.com/QMcbfuBR7c – Rasmus Tantholdt TV2 (@RasmusTantholdt) November 14, 2015
Huge queue of people waiting to give blood at the hospital next to Le Petit Cambodge. pic.twitter.com/nudSJTvPSv
? Tim Chester (@timchester) November 14, 2015
Praying for everyone in Paris right now. Lord please restore this city to safety. Give them peace and protection.
? Hillary Scott (@HillaryScottLA) November 13, 2015
There has always been evil in world, there will always be. Pray for those lost hug your kids tight #Prayers4Paris pic.twitter.com/yTJBAQTFWJ
? Montel Williams (@Montel_Williams) November 14, 2015
The wisest thing to say, perhaps the only thing to say, about #Paris was said a century ago by Bertrand Russell https://www.brainpickings.org/2012/05/24/love-is-wise-hatred-is-foolish-bertrand-russell-1959/?utm_content=buffer7a08a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
— Maria Popova (@brainpicker) November 15, 2015
As the sun rises in this beautiful city we remember the people that have died and the families that have lost loved ones… Our thoughts are with you all… PrayForParis A photo posted by David Beckham (@davidbeckham) on