04th Sep 2015
Heading off to EP? You lucky things, but’most of us in this office were too late to get ourselves a tickets – seriously lads, they sold out in JUNE, what even is that?!
But cheering us up on this rather chilly?Friday morning is the bloody brilliant #EPAtHome hashtag that’s been trending for the past few hours, telling us how to recreate, the muddy, it’s-freezing-but-my-beer-is-warm, weekend if you were doing it from home. Think overflowing loos, a constantly crackling radio in the corner, getting lost on the way to bed and what generally qualifies as anti-social behaviour. Marvellously instigated by @thatbritguyie who has the reins at the @ireland Twitter account this week, It’s the stuff of quality mirth.
Here are a round up of the best (so far):
@Ireland invite all your pals around, argue over which room you’d like to be in , split up, meet back in the garden pissed at 4am #epathome
? Vonny (@VonnyR7) September 4, 2015
Leave your shoes soaking in the sink overnight then wear them to the shops in the morning #epathome – Simon Geraghty (@SimonRPG) September 4, 2015
At 1am, flare a sparkler over the hamster’s cage and pretend it’s fireworks over the Big Wheel. #epathome – Philip Nolan (@philipnolan1) September 4, 2015
Put six beers in the microwave for thirty seconds. Drop five of them on the way back to the garden. Pretend it’s fine. #epathome
? Conchubhair Mac L (@Conchubhair) September 4, 2015
#epathome Put a PJ Gallagher and Jason Byrne DVD on, and pretend to laugh – Anne Marie O’Connor (@Kitsgirl1) September 4, 2015
#epathome Ring your friend and scream along to a song at 3am saying You love this one.
? Theresa Whyte (@TheresaWood2) September 4, 2015
Piss and moan constantly about how your gaff was way better in ’05 and ’06 and how commercial your gaff is now. #EPathome – Peter Kavanagh (@TheKavOfficial) September 4, 2015
Take that #epathome magic to Mass this weekend, by cheering after the opening line of each hymn.
? Ireland \ Chris (@ireland) September 4, 2015
#epathome Get felt up in a pair of Hunters wellies and think ‘the Ploughing Championships were never like this’ – Anne Marie O’Connor (@Kitsgirl1) September 4, 2015
Misread a map of your house and end up “sleeping” in a crumpled mess in the cat’s litter box #EPathome
? Doc Q (@drquirkey) September 4, 2015
Suddenly the weekend is looking up…