Roe McDermott



Influencer-washing in Dubai: How human rights violations hide behind glamorous influencers

The recent case of an Irish domestic violence victim who was criminalised by Dubai authorities highlights the chasm…

By Roe McDermott



The tiny favours economy: why you should definitely ask your neighbour for a cup of sugar

Convenience-focused apps and a hyper-individualistic culture encourages us to do everything ourselves and pay for help when we…

By Roe McDermott



What a growing women’s celibacy movement can teach us about desire

While male incels believe they are entitled to sex, the women’s celibacy movement is proving that sex is…

By Roe McDermott


How false narratives used to control women’s bodily autonomy are now being used against trans people

Both anti-choice and transphobic movements deploy narratives of regret to falsely claim that most women who have abortions…

By Roe McDermott

Cathal Crotty


Cathal Crotty and the patriarchal lie of ‘protecting women’

In the wake of the vicious attack of Natasha O’Brien, the silence from conservatives and the far-right, normally…

By Roe McDermott


‘Baby Reindeer’ and our problematic response to real-life trauma

'Baby Reindeer' gave society a choice: embrace new awareness around stalking, rape and the myth of the “perfect…

By Roe McDermott


Tween skincare: why are Irish 12-year-olds are terrified of ageing?

More and more 10-12 year olds are buying anti-ageing skincare. How have we raised a generation of young…

By Roe McDermott



The sexualisation of male celebrities has gone too far

As women know all too well, when sexual harassment is treated like a joke, it emboldens people to…

By Roe McDermott



Have you heard of the ‘tradwife’ trend?

Large groups of young women are espousing a return to 'traditional' values, discussing their lives as 'submissive' women…

By Roe McDermott


The divisive ‘Care Referendum’ brings up essential questions for Ireland’s future

Whether you are voting ‘No’ to the Care referendum because you don’t think it goes far enough, or…

By Roe McDermott



2023 was the Year of Girl Culture: But was it radical or regressive?

The Barbie movie, The Eras tour, girl math and girl dinner all marked 2023 as the year of…

By Roe McDermott



Forget about consensual sex, where’s the care-filled sex?

Recent films, books and podcasts are highlighting how women are left feeling vulnerable and even violated due to…

By Roe McDermott