By Lauren Heskin
07th Dec 2015
07th Dec 2015
Never heard of Brie Larson? If you haven’t yet we’re sure you will have come January 14th, 2016 when Academy Award nominations are announced. (And check out our exclusive interview with her in the January issue of IMAGE, on newsstands December 17th).
Following roles in 21 Jump Street and?this summer’s Trainwreck,?Larson stars in the Lenny Abrahamson-directed film Room, adapted from the book of the same name by Irish- Canadian author Emma Donoghue. The film has been receiving some major kudos, including nabbing the top spot on?Vulture‘s Best Films of 2015?and winning the coveted People’s Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival.
Larson too has been the centre of much of the acclaim, with CBS labelling her an ‘It’ girl, however upon hearing herself considered an ‘It’, she wasn’t all that happy with the term. “But what is ?it?? There is no ?it’! And who was ?it? before ?it??” Larson asked. “And when does ?it? go away? When did I get ?it?? Who’s going to take ?it?? It’s so weird.? Larson makes the very valid point that she’s just a person. “I’m not any ‘thing’!” she laughs.

She also took a very cool and collected approach to all the Oscar heat her performance is receiving, comparing it to planning a wedding when you’re not actually dating anyone. “You can think about it when you have the nomination. You go, “Wow, I’m going to be there. I wonder what it’ll be like.” But you can’t imagine something that hasn’t existed yet,” she explained. “That’s dangerous magical thinking.”
We understand she’s trying not to get her hopes up too much or increase the hype before she actually gets the nod but let’s be honest – we’ve all stood in the mirror and thanked our parents for raising such a talented human while gripping the hairbrush like little golden man and not-so-secretly poured over?Say Yes To The Dress?wondering if the mermaid style will still be in when we walk down the aisle. We’ve got our fingers crossed that Brie gets to give her speech IRL on February 28th at the 88th Academy Awards.
For those of you not familiar with the book everyone was talking about three years ago, Larson plays a young woman held in captivity by a deranged rapist. Forced to give birth and raise her son in one room, she plans their escape and must grapple with an outside world her son has never encountered before. Check out the trailer below and be sure to pick up the book over the Christmas period before the film lands in Irish theatres January 15th.