27th Mar 2015
When was the last time you had a well deserved tea break? Lyons Gold Blend Tea has launched a campaign to ?bring back the tea break? and banish ?break shaming?. In a recent survey carried out by the lovely Lyons tea-makers themselves, 70% of people admitted to not knowing, legally, how much break time they were allowed, which makes the figure of €50% never breaking for a cuppa? not much of a surprise.
Wait, what? We’re legally entitled to a tea break? PUT THE KETTLE ON.
20% cited that they felt ?frowned upon? if they were to take an elevenses break and 70% said they feel they never have enough time to pop the kettle on. Contrary to the facts, 80% said it’s important to take a pause and 66% of people said they ?they’d be happier? if they took a 15 minute break in the morning.
Typically, over an eight hour working day, Irish employees are entitled to a 15 minute break alongside an hour for lunch. This, unfortunately, does not seem to be happening. It seems more breaks are needed, to not only promote wellbeing and happiness, but to boost personal productivity too.
Operation Transformation presenter & GP Ciara Kelly says:??Punctuating our day with small breaks where we can reflect on something other than work is important for mental well-being. Contrary to what you may think, taking breaks will actually increase your productivity. Rushing from task to task without break or reflection can add to stress levels and undermine our mental health. It’s common now for people to not take breaks, to skip lunch or eat at their desks, but it’s not good for your overall health or quality of life.?
Stats on breaking habits in Ireland:
- 70% of people do not know, legally, how many work breaks they are entitled to.
- 20% of people never get to sit down to catch-up with work colleagues
- 80% of people think it’s important to sit down and have a 15 minute break
- 50% of people never get to take an elevenses break
- 66% of people said it’d make them happier if they took a break
- 70% say they do not have enough time to take a break
- 40% of people said tea is their preferred choice of break beverage
- For those that do break, they only allow themselves 5mins or less
- 49% of those surveyed prefer Lyons Tea (74% of those citing ?taste? as the reason), 34% prefer Barry’s, 8% chose Twinings, 3% chose Bewley’s and 2% chose own-brand
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