‘After of a decade of Christmas shifts, there’ll be no more for me’: Esther O’Moore Donohoe

by Esther O'Moore Donohoe
19th Dec 2022
19th Dec 2022
Read time: 5mins
After facing the Dreaded Christmas Roster for a decade, this Christmas is a new experience for Esther O'Moore Donohue
There'll be no Christmas shifts for Esther O’Moore Donohoe this year as she waves off the dreaded Christmas Roster (yes, those type of shifts!). Though giving us all traffic and travel bulletins when there isn't a car on the road is one way to spend December 25, this year she's replacing it with a new experience.
One of my favourite things about Christmas is seeing my friends’ children do a complete number on Santa as they do their present lists. I’ve seen kids that won’t write five lines on Things I Like About Winter for homework, have to be forcibly separated from their Faber-Castell when composing their gift guides. Over days and weeks they refine countless drafts before settling on two full pages, front and back with items listed according to...
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