‘I keep all the plates spinning because if I stop, I’m forced to face my thoughts’
by Amy Lynch
24th Jan 2022
24th Jan 2022
Here's a truth bomb: high-functioning anxiety looks just like keeping all the plates spinning in your life. The two jobs, the kids' weekend schedule, the friends, the dog, all of it. Because what happens if you drop a plate? You feel like you're not productive, missing out or that you are a failure. It's something Amy Lynch is working on...
“I was so bored,” my hairdresser recently recalled about the first lockdown, the one where we were boxed into a 2km radius of our homes. The salon was closed and she had burned through as many Netflix series as she could think of. Boredom, I’m sorry to say, was not something I experienced during lockdown. That’s because I had too many plates spinning. You see, there was my first job – a charity worker, scrambling...
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