12th Nov 2016
Do you feel relentlessly tired, no matter how much sleep you get? Are your batteries run empty half way through the day? Do you feel sluggish and lacking in concentration? If the answer to these questions is yes, then there is a chance that you too could be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
CFS, according to the Mayo Clinic, is a complicated disorder characterised by extreme fatigue that can’t be explained by any underlying medical condition. It can affect anyone at any age, but it ?frequently affects more women than men and can be life altering.
Until very recently, CFS wasn’t recognised as an actual condition and was somewhat stigmatised; meaning that sufferers often got fobbed off with their ‘mystery’ illness. But the recognition brings a welcome sigh of relief?for anyone fighting with CFS, and now people can even access proper treatment plans to help alleviate the symptoms.
Listed below are the most common signs and symptoms of fatigue, but the thing with CFS is that these symptoms are vague and hence, the condition can also be associated with other illnesses so it can frequently be wrongly diagnosed.
Loss of memory or concentration
Sore throat
Enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits
Unexplained muscle pain
Pain that moves from one joint to another without swelling or redness
Headache of a new type, pattern or severity
Unrefreshing sleep
Extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise
Unfortunately, the cause of CFS is still not fully known, but research is being carried out to better understand the debilitating condition. Thankfully, however, if you think you might have CFS these are small changes you can make to help rejig your energy levels.
1. Eliminate Food Sensitivities and Allergens
Your underlying fatigue could be caused by a sensitivity to certain food groups (i.e., dairy, gluten, etc.) which can cause pain and tiredness. Why not get a food sensitivity test to rule out Irritable Bowl Syndrome as the root cause of your tiredness? IBS is found to be closely linked with fatigue and the common denominator; researchers have found, is poor digestion and food sensitivities.
2. Increase Your Vitamin B Intake
Vitamin B-6 helps to prevent and relieve fatigue, and it supports a healthy immune system. If you’re feeling low, try eating foods that are rich in B-6 including?wild tuna and salmon, bananas, grass-fed beef, sweet potatoes, turkey, hazelnuts, garlic and cooked?spinach.
3. Create Your Own Sanctuary And Relax
Fatigue can be extremely debilitating both physically and mentally so when you’re body tries to tell you that it needs rest – listen to it. Commit to one entire rest day per week where your only focus should be on mindfulness, relaxation, meditation, and rest. While regular exercise is important for your mental and physical health, rest is equally as important.
Remember to always seek medical advice if you think?you may be suffering from chronic fatigue.