The ten things you ACTUALLY need to buy before coming home with a new baby
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15th Mar 2019
15th Mar 2019
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So you’re going to have a baby. Congratulations! As you will quickly discover, many people are going to have lots to say about this little one’s first few months. Sleeping routines, nursing habits and the best anti-scratch mittens; everything is up for discussion and debate.
One of the most confusing aspects of preparing for a baby is knowing what you really need to purchase in the run-up, and what is probably not a necessity. This is a precious time, but also an expensive one, so have a look at the below list and remember, have fun!
Car seat
They won’t let you out of the hospital without this one. Don’t be overwhelmed by the variety on offer, and don’t necessarily be swayed by some of the swankier looking models. Your baby’s safety is top priority so think about what kind of car you have, and how long you want the car seat for. Lots of brands now offer car seats that grow as your baby does, offering great value for money. Take some time to talk to the professional in the shop; they’re usually fountains of knowledge and they’re there for a reason.
More and more people are choosing to spend the first few months with their baby in a co-sleeper. These handy devices are like three-sided cribs that attach to your bed, making night feeds easier and keeping your baby close to you, while also in their own space. Brilliant alternatives include good old-fashioned Moses baskets and bassinets. The choice is really up to you.
Lots of nappies
Nappies, nappies, nappies. You will never believe how many nappies you will need. Some babies may get through up to ten-a-day. That’s right. So stock up, and then stock up some more.
Baby grows and vests
These are some of the nicest bits to buy, and hours can be spent cooing over little duck patterns and tiny, little feet. Enjoy every moment, but don’t go overboard as baby starts growing, fast!
Newborn PJs
PJs sometimes get forgotten in between all the lovely baby grows. Newborn PJs are slightly lighter in material than baby grows and sleeveless or legless or both, depending on the temperature of your baby and the time of year. It’s also a good idea to look for newborn PJs that have the zip or buttons up the side rather than the middle, as this can irritate the umbilical cord stump on a newborn.
Some in-between clothes for you
You are probably going to spend a bit of time at home over the next few weeks. Your old clothes are not going to fit you straight away, but neither is your old maternity gear. Try purchasing some nice, soft home clothes for those first few, cosy weeks. While we are on the topic, now is the time to invest in some lovely, luxury PJs for yourself too.
Newborn towels
No matter how much he or she weighs, this baby is going to be far too tiny for one of your towels at home. You can find adorable newborn towels with little hoods, perfect for scooping them out of the bath and straight into your arms for a cuddle.
Swaddle blankets
Newborns have been used to hanging out in the rather confined space of your womb for the last nine months, so the space of the outside world takes some getting used to. Swaddling is an old technique that wraps your baby up snug, a bit like a burrito in a blanket. Ask your midwife to show you the technique before you leave the hospital.
Muslin cloths
There will be little vomits, burps and everything else you can think of landing on and around you for the first few months (years…). Muslin clothes are super absorbent, and they wash and dry really quickly too. Lay them on your shoulder when burping your baby and always keep one near.
Following on from muslin cloths, sometimes you might need to level up with a wipe. Wipes have the benefit of being pre-moistened and are especially good for sensitive little bums.
Smyths Toys Superstores are offering €10 off every €50 spent on all baby products. The offer is valid in-store and online from 15th March to 21st March inclusive. T&C’s apply.
On Friday March 15, Smyths – The Baby Room is launching their new baby catalogue for 2019. The catalogue will be available in all Smyths Toy Stores throughout Ireland and will also be available online. For the first time, customers will be able to add items to their basket and check out straight from the online version of the catalogue. See for yourself.
It will include over 88 pages of the top baby products and brands, all available to buy in-store and online.
To offer more to mums and dads, Smyths Toys has a Facebook group for parents called ‘Smyths – The Baby Room’. This group offers a space for new parents to read and share advice, exclusive offers, and promotions exclusive to group members.
Drop into the Baby Room at Smyths for advice from certified baby experts and to avail of their free car seat fitting service. Visit SmythsToys.com to see installation video guides for each car seat. With next day home delivery and a 1 hour click and collect service, it’s easier than ever to shop with Smyths the Baby Room.