In recent months we’ve had some really exciting developments here at IMAGE. With the phenomenal growth of our online community, we conducted a massive piece of research to ensure we are staying up to date with our users’ interests and passions. This guarantees high engagement for both ourselves and our clients. | | We reach more than 3/4 of a million Irish women every single month. Our website’s traffic is now reaching over 500,000 monthly uu’s. In a sphere that is full of noise, IMAGE stands above the rest for one thing: quality. As a future-focused publication, we recognise that a website’s value lies in more than just clicks. That’s why we are so proud of our 2min 30sec average time on page, with standout commercial campaigns regularly exceeding this figure. | | To find out more about the IMAGE user we conducted an online survey across a nationally representative sample of 2,335 people… | | - 96% of our users are female. 69% are between the ages of 25 – 44 and 81%are ABC1’s. While 48% of our users are in Dublin, 22% are in the rest of Leinster and 15% are in Munster.
- 42% of our users read, 27% read the print magazine and 31% read both. Those aged 18-34 are significantly more likely to read IMAGE online only, with those aged 35-44 most likely to read both online and print formats.
- Almost 1 in 5 users visit every day and a similar proportion has attended an IMAGE event in the past.
| | - Pippa O’Connor is the most followed influencer, and Una Mullally is the most read journalist, just ahead of Fintan O’Toole. Amy Huberman, former President Mary Robinson and Pippa O’Connor are the three Irish females most admired in the public sphere.
- IMAGE readers feel passionately about social causes with homelessness being the social cause closest to the hearts of IMAGE readers, ahead of children’s welfare, cancer and sustainability.
Almost half (45%) of readers currently have a mortgage. Some 16% of readers are currently looking to buy a property. Almost a third (31%) of readers claim they are likely to purchase a car in the next 12 months. - FOOD & WELLNESS
60% claim they shop for groceries several times a week.There are just over 4 in 10 (44%) IMAGE readers who are currently members of a gym. Almost 7 in 10 (69%) claim to have health insurance. - FERTILITY & FAMILY
Some 6% of readers are currently trying to conceive. Amongst readers who have had a child in the past or are currently trying to conceive, almost 3 in 10 (28%) claim they have experienced issues trying to conceive. Almost half (47%) claim they would search online for information. - SPONSORED CONTENT
Relevant and interesting sponsored content is where IMAGE really shines, with projects like Samsung’s Game Changers as the perfect example. Almost half our readers say they like sponsored content, but only if the content is relevant. | | - Fashion (37%), beauty (22%) and Irish (21%) are the three words most associated with our publication. When asked what new content our readers would like to see, a high proportion said ‘More of the same’, with the new and exciting additions of business and careers, cars, food & drink,weddings and fertility & family.
| | - When IMAGE readers wake up in the morning they are most likely to openFacebook (29%) first, closely followed by Instagram (27%).
- IMAGE readers said that Instagram (41%) is the most preferred social media platform.
- Of IMAGE readers who have deleted their Facebook account, 21% have done so in the past 6 months.
- Two thirds will listen to a podcast more than once a week, with almost a quarter (23%) listening to podcasts several times a day.
- Our newsletters have an average open rate of over 40%. Almost all readers (86%) claim to read email newsletters they receive.
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