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Image / Editorial

Mark Ruffalo Turns Hollywood Sexism On Its Head

27th Apr 2015
Mark Ruffalo Turns Hollywood Sexism On Its Head

Fair play to this Cosmo journalist for turning the typically female-oriented junket questions on their head. Rather than ask Scarlett Johansson, star of Avengers: Age of Ultron, what tips she had for squeezing into that super tight Black Widow costume or what she was going to be wearing on the red carpet later that day, what it’s like to be pretty yet starring as a superhero and whether or not she felt under pressure to get in shape, the interviewer did a switcharoo, directing those jaded questions at Mark Ruffalo, her co-star.

Ruffalo, being the legend that he is, played along as the group succeeded in rubbishing the sexism that, unfortunately, is still so rife in media.

Asked which make-up removal tips he’d have after a long day on set, Ruffalo says ??I didn’t have that?uhh’most of the stuff I do is in a leotard.?

This is a welcome change of tune, following Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner’s interview, in which they joked that Scarlett’s character was a ‘slut’ and a ‘whore’. They were speaking in jest, and while they may have meant well, some hardcore Black Widow fans out there were veeeery upset. Renner has since come out to say that they were ‘tasteless’ remarks to make, while Evans issued the following statement: ?Yesterday we were asked about the rumors that Black Widow wanted to be in a relationship with both Hawkeye and Captain America. We answered in a very juvenile and offensive way that rightfully angered some fans. I regret it and sincerely apologise.?
