‘I’ve been sexually assaulted four times. It’s not fine. It never was’
by Roe McDermott
27th Nov 2023
27th Nov 2023
Roe McDermott writes about her experiences of sexual violence, and the way society is trained to seek out any reason to blame victims. This includes the victims themselves. If you have been affected by sexual violence please contact the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.
When I was sexually assaulted, I was wearing jeans, a cropped cardigan and a top that was literally safety pinned to my bra. The top was flowy and had a habit of twisting around, so I had taken precautions. (“I had taken precautions,” I write. Like I understood what to be afraid of. Like I could protect myself from it.) My bra was pink. I don’t remember what underwear I was wearing. But I do...
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