By Geraldine Carton
09th Apr 2018
09th Apr 2018
Perfect for when you need to put the head down and get work done, or as gorgeous background music while you read
Working in a busy office – between the cross-room conversations, the banter and the unnecessarily loud phone calls – it’s a wonder anyone gets any work done at all.
And don’t get us started on the challenges that come with working from home. If the relentless lure of the fridge isn’t going to distract you, then your incessant child/ parent/ housemate certainly will.
Some people favour white noise as a way to block out the various distractions, but this can wear pretty thin on the old eardrums after a while. Music with words isn’t great either; the risk of accidentally transcribing the lyrics of TLC’s “No Scrubs” into your project analysis report does not bear thinking about.
All things considered, an instrumental playlist is the way to go: minimum brain befuddlement, maximum focus lockdown.
And so our next bespoke Spotify playlist theme was created; taking from our team’s favourite instrumental songs. It includes everything from movie scores and classical compositions to chilled beats and quirky gypsy melodies, and has become our go-to auditory resource whenever we need to knuckle down meet a deadline.
Listen here to our No Words Instrumental Playlist
Note: best consumed on high volume, with earphones firmly in.
Be sure to follow on Spotify to access our bespoke stream of playlists!