By Jeanne Sutton
31st Oct 2014
31st Oct 2014
woman in black with umbrella
Tinder. Either you’ve dipped and met a totally lovely guy or you’re among the survivors and have the shudder-worthy screenshots to prove it. Sound familiar? Well, some genius has decided?to dedicate an Instagram account to immortalise the most hostile Tinder messages that women of the smartphone-owning world have been subject to.?Bye Felipe chronicles the worst of the worst – the only filter used here is honesty.
Alexandra Tweten is?Bye Felipe‘s operations coordinator started the account in the wake of her and her female friends realization that their collective online dating experience were replete with men sending aggressive missives. Not cool. In?an interview with the Huffington Post, Tweten said, “I realized these hostile messages were a trend that women see online. That started a conversation about creating an Instagram to keep all of these insane messages so we could discuss them. All women get some degree of creepy or weird messages when they sign up for online dating sites.”
Here are some of the messages?
Yes, that’s right. My ego IS “underserved.” 👑 #BYEFELIPE #rejectedmen of #tinder
A photo posted by Bye Felipe 👋 (@byefelipe)?on Oct 10, 2014 at 7:45am PDT
The most frightening thing about Bye Felipe isn’t the escalating and unjustified fury apparent in the messages, but just how common this is. Get a small group of women together and we guarantee you’ll hear similar, if not worse, stories. Bye Felipe echoes#YesAllWomen, the hashtag that set the world on fire earlier this year as women told their stories of sexism and harassment on Twitter.
Have you had a similar experience? Let us know on all the media – Twitter, Facebook, old school postcards even.
Follow Jeanne Sutton on Twitter @jeannedesutun