02nd Jul 2015
02nd Jul 2015
HOLDING THE CARDS:?The art of good negotiation
Negotiation? – a word that holds so much power, especially for those who know how to use it to their best advantage.
Whether in business or in one’s personal life, the key to achievement and advancement comes through mastering the art of effective negotiation.
On Wednesday, July 15, Stephen Boyle, lecturer and trainer with the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School’s MBA programmes, will lead a workshop that reveals:
* The key elements of successful negotiation
* Gender related challenges that face women in business
* How to negotiate optimum salary and work packages
* How to tackle tricky negotiations with anyone ranging from kids to bosses!
Join IMAGE editor-in-chief Melanie Morris for Veuve Clicquot champagne and canap’s, plus luxury treats and gifts before an evening packed with tips and the fast track to success.
? and remember, it isn’t what you say, it’s the way that you say it!
Get your tickets now!
WHERE The Merrion Hotel, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2.
WHEN Wednesday, July 15; Veuve Clicquot reception from 5:30pm
TICKETS €45, include gifts from The Lismore Food Company, YSL and Paperblanks
INFO?01 2719615?or email business@image.ie
Stephen Boyle is negotiation trainer and lecturer at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School’s MBA programmes. In addition to his roles as a trainer and lecturer he works as a consultant to clients engaged in challenging negotiations.
Stephen has delivered negotiation skills development programmes in Europe, Asia and the United States for clients across myriad sectors. He has also worked as a consultant on management development programmes for the International Trade Centre in Geneva, an office of the United Nations and World Trade Organization.
Prior to embarking on an independent training and consulting career fifteen years ago, Stephen held roles in a management consulting firm and in communication and change management at a Fortune 500 company.
In association with Enterprise Ireland.