By Niamh ODonoghue
18th May 2017
18th May 2017
Here are 20+ lovely words filled with sunshine and happiness because it’s Thursday and we need some positivity
There are over?171,476 words in the Oxford dictionary,?how do you decide how happy a word is? A plethora of research around the?intrinsic attractiveness of words has taken place over time. One such study, carried out by the University of Vermont and the University of Adelaide enlisted the help of the public and asked them to rate the happiness quotient of the words they encountered.
A plethora of research around the?intrinsic attractiveness of words has taken place over time. One such study, carried out by the University of Vermont and the University of Adelaide enlisted the help of the public and asked them to rate the happiness quotient of the words they encountered.
By the end, researchers had listed over 200 words that give people feelings of happiness and contentment. In no particular order, here are the top 20 words to put a smile on your face:
Also making the ultimate happy list is bright, cutest, entertaining, excited, excitement, joke, millionaire, prize, succeeded, successfully, winners, shines, awesome, genius, achievement, cake, cheers, exciting, goodness, hug, income, party, puppy, smiling, song, succeeding, tasty, victories, achieved, billion, cakes, easier, flowers, gifts, gold, merry, families, handsome, lovers, affection, cute, diamond, interesting, peacefully, praise, relaxing, roses, Saturdays, faithful, heavens, cherish, congrats, cupcake, glory, hilarious, moonlight, optimistic, peaceful, romance, feast, attractive, glad, grandma, internet, pleasant, profits, smart.
Of course, there are plenty of negative and nasty words too but you won’t find them here. We don’t need any more negativity in our lives, do we?
Why not challenge yourself to throw a couple of these into conversation today and see how many people you can make smile? Why don’t I get you started: I awoke with excellent laughter and joy from my dream where I had the pleasure of teaching Donald Trump how to love, be happy, smile, and laugh. I wasn’t successful in my mission, but I felt like I had won because the White House was suddenly filled with happiness and a giant colourful rainbow engulfed the sky.
See, aren’t you happier now?